♦ What is Succession Certificate
It is a document/ certificate granted to the legal heirs of a deceased person who does not leave a will. It helps you to establish as a legitimate heir to the deceased and give them the power to inherit shares, securities, debts and other assets of the deceased.
♦ Governing Laws
The succession certificate is valid throughout India. The Indian Succession Act, 1925 governs the same.
♦ Objective of Succession Certificate
The main objective of the succession certificate is to facilitate the collection of the debts on succession and give protection to the parties paying debts to the representatives of the deceased person.
♦ Effects of a succession certificate
The holder of a succession certificate;
- Has a claim over the property and assets of the deceased person.
- Has the authority to represent the deceased in collecting debts and securities due to the deceased or payable in his name.
- Inherits the debts and other liabilities of the deceased person.
♦ Where to apply to get Succession Certificate?
You can apply for a succession certificate in the civil court. A civil court can be either a district court or High court. It depends on the value of the property and assets.
Remember, you have to apply in the civil court where the deceased person resided and not where you reside. You can also apply in the civil court where the properties are situated.
♦ Procedure to get the Succession Certificate (Section 372 of The Indian Succession Act, 1925)
Application for such a certificate shall be made to the District Judge by a petition signed and verified by or on behalf of the applicant in the manner prescribed by the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. The petition should contain the following details:
- Time of death of the deceased;
- Residence or details of properties of the deceased at the time of death within which Judge the jurisdiction falls under;
- Details of family or other near relatives;
- The rights of the petitioner;
- Absence of any impediment to the grant of certificate;
- a copy of the death certificate
- the debts and securities in respect of which the certificate is applied for.
“*Do not knowingly give any false information in this petition. It is an offence under the IPC.”
The court will issue a notice to all legal heirs for filing any objections. If there are objections, the court will hear and decide the same. The court will also issue a notice in the newspapers It specifies a specific period to raise objections (generally 45 days).
If there no objections, the court then proceeds to levy a fee for the issuance of the certificate. Court fees also has to be paid in the form of judicial stamp papers. Only after payment of court fees, the court issues the succession certificate. You can then claim your shares according to your own inheritance laws.
A succession certificate will not be granted in cases where obtaining a Probate or Letter of Administration is necessary.
♦ Validity of the Succession Certificate
(Section 380, 381 & 382 of the Indian Succession Act, 1925)
A succession certificate is effect throughout the whole India as per section 380 of The Indian Succession Act, 1925 i.e. it stands valid anywhere within India. However, where a certificate has been granted to a person who is a resident of a foreign country, by an Indian representative (as appointed by the government), of such foreign country, the certificate will stand valid only if properly stamped.
This certificate simply affords protection to the parties paying debts. It means there is absolutely no adjudication of title of the deceased.
♦ What are the documents required for getting a succession certificate?
- Death certificate of the deceased person.
- No objection certificate (from other legal heirs)
> Kindly Note that;
The issuance of succession certificate usually takes time. This is important because the certificate even gives access to the bank accounts of the deceased person. So be patient when you apply for a succession certificate.
Hi- I was going through this circular no: SEBI/HO/MIRSD3/CIR/P/2016/0000000085.
Now I cannot understand if I want to legally transmit shares of different companies.
1) Can all the shares of different companies be mentioned inside one single succession certificate ?
With Regards
Pranab Pal
“> Kindly Note that;….”
The caution ‘…so be patient’ does not seem to make any sense; any longer. For, if not mistaken, as per the directive of the RBI in force , for long now, even at the time opening a bank account, ‘NOMINATION’ has been made compulsory. Even otherwise, going by diktats of PRUDENCE, invariably NoMINATION should have been considered a MUST.
Incidentally, wish to invite attention to Posts herein some time ago in regard to difficulties faced with in e’filing of tax return of deceased because of the untended deficiency in the system designed for the purpose. Personally believe, though, that has since been sorted out by a suitable modification in the system (CPC) !