1st Overseas Campus Placement for CAs on 24th to 26th August, 2018 at Chennai, Mumbai & Delhi
Dear Colleague,
We are glad to inform you that the ICAI is organizing 1st Overseas campus placement for our members desirous of taking up employment abroad/trans‐nationals invested in India. The campus programme is open to all levels – entry, middle and top management. It may please be noted that there is no cost for the participating organizations or for the candidates.
The campus placement is being organized by Committee for Export of CA Services & WTO in association with Committee for Professional Accountants in Business & Industry and International Affairs Committee. Please find attached E‐brochure of the campus placement which contains the complete details.
This being a maiden initiative; the success of the instant campus placement drive by ICAI will lay the foundation for its future initiatives. We have no doubt in acknowledging the fact that the success of the programme will largely depend on your involvement. We seek your support in enlisting prospective employers and interested CAs for the campus. You may note that the interested candidates need to be present in any of the three locations designated for personal interview ie, Chennai, Mumbai and New Delhi or on video at the remaining centres on 24th to 26th August, 2018.
The entire Placement Programme is available online at https://cpabiplacements.icai.
We also request you to sensitize the prospective corporate who have foreign operations and interested in recruiting Indian CAs .Seeking your earnest co‐operation and support to make it as grand success.
With best regards,
Chairman, Committee for Export
of CA Services & WTO