The admit card details of the candidates admitted to Professional Education II, Professional Competence, Integrated Professional Competence, Final and Final (New Course) Examinations to be held in November, 2009 will be hosted on the site positively by the evening of 19th October, 2009.
Help Line Desk – Admit Card
Do you have any query about NOVEMBER, 2009 examination?
The Help Line Desk will be functional from 16th October to 15th November, 2009 for 24 hours on all days (inclusive of holidays and Sundays) to attend to any query relating to the ensuing Chartered Accountant Examinations to be held from 5th to 20th November, 2009. However, on 17th October, 2009, the helpline will function only up to 3.00 P. M on account of Diwali. The telephone Numbers of Help Line Desk are:
(0120) 3054843 (FAX)
STD Code 0120
Students having any query with regard to their appearance in the ensuing examination are welcome to contact the Help Line Desk on the above telephone numbers. The query could be non-receipt of Admit Card or any other matter related thereto.
Students who have not received their admit cards can download it from website
Separate e-mail IDs have been created to cater to the needs of the students. The student can contact at: for Professional Competence Examination for Integrated Professional Competence examination/Accounting Technician Examination for Professional Education Examination – II for Final Examination
Students who have not received their Admit Cards or could not download the same from the Website and desirous of getting information regarding appearance in the examinations may utilise this facility for prompt response from ‘help-line desk’ of Examination Department of ICAI.
(G. Somasekhar)
Additional Secretary (Exams)
sir i hve not gotten my admitcard of ipcc nov 2011 and my registration no is WRO0386939 and my email id is