Sometimes we go through the entire judgement but there we find many legal words and we do not know the meaning of those legal words and terms. But we should know the meaning of such words which are used in a judgement to understand a Judgment properly. I have tried here to compile most common […]
The case of the assessee was decided ex-parte u/s 144 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 in which a demand of Rs. 2320480/- has been created which is quite huge, illegal, baseless and not justified. A very small trader cannot earn so much income that he has to pay tax liability of Rs. 2320480/-. Comparison can be made with the returns filed earlier.
Draft Written Submission before CIT(A), Faceless related to PF & ESI late deposited after due date but before due date of ITR Appeal filed against the order of rectification u/s 154 made by Assistant Director of Income Tax, CPC dated XX.XX.20XX [Jurisdictional ITO: Ward No. X (X), XXXX] Most respectfully submitted before the Hon’ble CIT(A), […]
Raman Sood Vs ITO (ITAT Delhi) On being seen ledger account of the seller of the goods in the relevant Financial year it is noted that there are no credits appearing in the said ledger as being no purchases from the said seller. No purchases made from the seller during the AYr. Under consideration. Evidentiary value […]
Writ petition & Appeal to be filed with High Court and Supreme Court and circumstances thereof Article 32 and Article 226 of the Constitution provide two separate but parallel provisions of writ jurisdiction with the Supreme Court and High Courts respectively. Article 32 has been incorporated as a fundamental right and it provides for the […]
1. Movable Property – Movable property means property; the location of which can be changed, including things growing on, affixed to, or found in land, and documents although the rights represented thereby have no physical location. 2. Immovable Property – Immovable property includes; land, buildings, hereditary allowances, right to ways, lights, ferries, fisheries or any other benefit […]
A guiding note for freshers who intends to start Income tax practice with no commerce background I had been a science student with no commerce back ground. But I am in Income tax practice for the last 32 years. A brief background is as under. I completed my BSc. with mathematics from Nehru College, Faridabad, […]
1. Petitioner – ‘Petitioner’ refers to the party who petitioned the Supreme Court to review the case. This party is variously known as the petitioner or the appellant in court cases . 2. Respondent – ‘Respondent’ refers to the party being sued or tried and is also known as the appellate. The respondent is the […]
Proof of account books of business in criminal trials,ingredients to be proved, explained-Presumption in favour of acts of public servants charged with bringing home economic and other crimes-Kerala General Sales Tax Act, 1963, Sections 46(1)(a), 46(1)(c) and 46(2)(c).
KHASRA – Khasra means annual village register showing the possession of the land as a cultivator. A khasra is normally a field book containing a list of the tenants in occupation of Agriculture land and it is not one of the registers which are included in the record of rights which carries with it a […]