Delhi HC rules publicly harassing and accusing a husband of infidelity as extreme cruelty, upholds divorce. Detailed analysis of ABC vs XYZ case, implications, and conclusion.
Delhi High Court rules phone surveillance details fall under RTI Act exemption (Section 8). Explore the landmark judgment and its implications.
Delhi High Court landmark judgment emphasizes every prisoner’s right to medical care. No discrimination based on wealth. Government urged to enhance jail medical infrastructure.
Read the detailed analysis of a landmark judgment by J&K&L High Court, stating that a detention order is legally unsustainable without a reasonable explanation for delay.
Read about the unacceptable insult of Vice President of India through mimicry in Parliament. Analysis of the incident, reactions, and the need for stricter regulations.
Explore Supreme Court’s landmark judgment in Chandrasekhar Patel vs Suresh & Ors, highlighting the serious prejudice caused to accused by denying relevant questions to eye-witness.
Allahabad High Court’s landmark judgment prohibits lawyers from carrying arms in court premises, emphasizing the importance of legal practice without weapons.
Madhya Pradesh High Court grants bail to Himanshu Shroti & Sukrit Sharma, ABVP students who stole a judge’s car to save a dying man’s life. Analysis of the judgment and its impact on humanitarian acts.
Explore the urgent need for enforcing stringent rules for Members of Parliament (MPs) and Members of Legislative Assemblies (MLAs) to curb indiscipline. Analyzing recent suspensions, breaches, and proposing concrete measures for a more accountable political system.
Bombay High Court’s landmark judgment sets aside murder conviction, sentencing the accused for culpable homicide. Detailed analysis of the sudden occurrence on a petty count and its legal implications.