The journey of GST in the past 5 years: successes, challenges, and the roadmap for the future. Find out what could lie ahead for this complex procedural law.
Intent of Section 154 is to provide Power to the Commissioner, or an Officer authorized by him to take samples of the goods from the possession of any taxable person where they consider it is necessary. As Rules or any procedure for this section is not prescribed anywhere and I didn’t found any article on this section therefore I’m taking help of procedure and case laws of other regime to understand how this section might work in future?
GST cannot be levied upon the land which is a property of the state and is an immovable asset. The Schedule III of CGST Act’2017 note implies that the sale of Land or Buildings is neither goods nor services.
Like in any other tax collection system, in GST regime also there may be situations where: – no tax was paid -taxes were short paid -there was non-levy or short levy – there fund granted was erroneous – the availment / utilization of input tax credit was wrong -there was fraudulent evasion of tax In […]
For a hearing to be fair, whole-hearted attention, alertness ad active application of the mind of the decision maker is indispensable. Constant attention to Pleadings, Arguments, Evidence and material documents is difficult to give, but that is what is expected of a person dispensing justice.
GST Laws stipulates that any supplier of goods, services or both must register as a GST Act if their aggregate turnover of more than Rs. 20 lakhs in a year (Rs.10 lakhs in Special Category States) have to obtain GST registration. If the supplier is only supplying goods, then threshold limit is Rs. 40 lakhs […]
Section 70 empowers the proper officer to summon any person whose attendance he considers necessary either to give evidence or produce document or any other thing. The power is exercisable only by the proper officer as specified.
You might have read my earlier article ‘Why GST Department Is Not Right In Asking Commercial Place For GST Registration?‘ published in September’2021. In the earlier article, I wrote that GST Laws does not mandate that “Commercial Address” is mandatory for GST Registrations. Further, I wrote that If we recall registration requirements of VAT Laws, […]
In any tax system registration is the most fundamental requirement for identification of tax payers ensuring tax compliance in the economy. Registration of any business entity under the GST Law implies obtaining a unique number from the concerned tax authorities for the purpose of collecting tax on behalf of the government and to avail Input […]
Accumulation of Input Tax Credit happens when the tax paid on inputs is more than the output tax liability. Such accumulation will have to be carried over to the next financial year till such time as it can be utilised by the registered person for payment of output tax liability. However, the GST Law permits […]