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Conversion of Capital Asset into Stock in Trade – Analysis of Section 45(2)

April 9, 2021 67374 Views 2 comments Print

Generally, a person invested his/her surplus assets into various types of assets to get capital appreciation and better results. The investment in capital assets will be held to get better results by selling those assets after holding short or long period of time. The treatment of income on sale of asset will depends on the […]

IRDAI Regulatory Updates –For Quarter Ended 31st March 2021

April 8, 2021 3078 Views 0 comment Print

The IRDAI and Insurance Law updates provides synopsis of the introduction, amendments and changes brought by the Government and IRDAI in the previous quarter ended on (31st March 2021) is being published in this bulletin. 1. IRDAI has issued Circular No. IRDA/ACT/CIR/MISC/001/01/2021 dated 1st January,2021 for providing clarification on IRDAI(Assets, Liabilities and Solvency Margin of […]

Concept of Marine Insurance under Marine Insurance Act, 1963

April 6, 2021 88785 Views 1 comment Print

Explore the intricacies of Marine Insurance under the Marine Insurance Act, 1963. Uncover the coverage of ships, cargo, and terminals, distinguishing between Hull and Cargo Insurance. Delve into key clauses, such as Voyage and Time basis, governed by international regulations and INCOTERMS. Understand the significance of utmost good faith, insurable interest, and the role of warranties and conditions.

Judicial Intervention Under Arbitration Proceedings

March 16, 2021 37005 Views 0 comment Print

Arbitration provides an efficient and alternative mechanism for quick dispute resolution. It is one of the important aspects of Alternate Dispute Resolution Process. It is now days one of the most preferred course of dispute resolution process because it involves mediation and conciliation process and encourage parties to solve their disputes out of court and […]

How to Calculate amount of Insurance Cover You need in case of Casuality

March 14, 2021 1611 Views 0 comment Print

Dear Friends, we know that insurance has become one of the basis requirements for living a safe and secure life. An insurance provides us safety and financial stabilities in testing time. Through proper insurance ,whether it is on your health, home, or life you can secure future of your beloved in case you are not […]

Misrepresentation and Warranty Distinguished

March 12, 2021 7083 Views 0 comment Print

Distinguish between misrepresentation and warranty in insurance contracts. Explore the nuances of representations and warranties, their impact on policy eligibility, and the contractual obligations they entail. Gain insights into key legal distinctions, illustrated with relevant court decisions. Understand the importance of accurate statements, whether as representations made during negotiations or warranties included in the policy document. Navigate the complexities of insurance contracts with clarity.

Start Up Companies & Exemption available under Income Tax Act 1961

March 11, 2021 9579 Views 0 comment Print

START UP COMPANIES AND EXEMPTION AVAILABLE UNDER INCOME TAX ACT, 1961  Indian economy is now running on right path and will achieve target of a developed economy. We have come a long way since our independent in the year of 1947. We have seen a lot of ups and downs in our economy and sailed […]

Ombudsman Scheme Under Insurance Industry

March 9, 2021 10197 Views 2 comments Print

OMBUDSMAN: An Ombudsman is an officer ,appointed by the Government , who investigate complaints ,lodged by citizen against Government, Universities, Colleges , Municipalities, Companies, Financial Institutions etc., and attempt to resolve the complaint with mediation or marking recommendations. “Ombudsman” is taken from a Swedish word it means “ Legal Representative”, appointed to investigate the cases […]

Evolution of Performance of Board of Directors

March 9, 2021 9318 Views 0 comment Print

Evolution is a process through which a company access performance , ability ,virtues and eligibilities of its Board of members. Evolution is a process based on some fixed parameters on which performance of Board members are accessed. Performance evaluation is the process of evaluating how effectively employees are fulfilling their job responsibilities and contributing to […]

Concept of “causa proxima or the proximate cause

December 16, 2020 65520 Views 0 comment Print

Dear Friends, you know that insurance has become as essential as our basic requirements of food, shelter, cloths etc. In these days we are facing various types of risks in our home as well as in our offices, road while travelling etc., some are man made and some are nature driven. Insurance against known and […]

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