We have discussed on various occasions the importance of an insurance cover and its benefit to keep us financial viable in case of occurrence of any insured peril. Insurance is a valuable method of transfer and reduction of risk. We generally transfer our risks to the insurance companies on the basis of payment of a […]
We are living in a modern world, where we are using various types of gadgets and apparatus for our facilitation. The development of internet is one of the most important invention in our life. The internet has brought the world on our finger tips. There are various types of gadgets and apparatus ,we are using […]
Hon’ble SC held that Claim cannot be denied to the seller of the vehicle on the fact that the vehicle is sold to another person unless the sale is complete and ownership of the vehicle is transferred to buyer.
A Person Ineligible u/s 29A IBC to Submit Resolution Plan Cannot Propose Scheme of Compromise & Arrangement u/s 230 Companies Act 2013- Supreme Court
As we know that frauds are present in every sector, where money involved. The financial sector is more vulnerable for fraud than other sectors. The frauds generally happen for sake of financial gain by applying dubious methods by the fraudsters. Insurance industry is the most vulnerable for various types of fares by policyholders, intermediaries , […]
REGULATORY UPDATES -A GIST OF IMPORTANT CIRCULARS/NOTIFICATIONS/GUIDELINES ISSUED BY THE AUTHORITY (IRDAI). Submitted, for information, the supervisory/ regulatory directions from IRDAI from 1st July 2021 to 31st October, 2021 . The Authority has issued certain Regulations/Guidelines/Circulars on issues as listed below: 1. Standards and Benchmarks for the Hospitals in the provider Network- (IRDAICircular No. IRDAI/HLT/REG/MISC/199/07/2021 […]
Registration under the Trade Marks Act confers specific distinct rights unavailable to an unregistered proprietor. Important amongst these is the right to sue for infringement. This is only available to a registered proprietor.
Understanding the treatment of grants received by subsidiaries from their holding companies: Revenue Receipt or Capital Receipt? Find out the answer here.
Understanding the tax implications of foreign exchange fluctuations in business. Exploring sections 4, 28(i), and 263 of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
In this article we are going to discuss a problem, whether Penalty/Penal Interest levied on any organisation is allowed as deduction to the assessee under provisions of Section 37(1) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.. PROBLEM: M/s. ABC Limited has been penalised under provisions of GST Act, 2017 to the tune of Rs. 50,000/- as […]