SEBI directs investors to link PAN with Aadhaar by March 31, 2023, for seamless transactions in the securities market. Learn how to link PAN with Aadhaar online.
Discover the importance of credit scores & how they impact financial decisions. Learn how to maintain a good credit score for better loan opportunities and financial stability.
Explore various exit modes for voluntary winding up of a company, including strike off and winding up under the Companies Act and Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code.
Learn about the significant amendments effective from April 1, 2023, under SEBI and Company Law. Understand actions required by companies regarding related party transactions, corporate governance provisions, filing financial results, CSR rules, and more.
Maximize Tax Savings AY 2023-24: Essential Documentation for Salary Deductions – A concise guide to documents required for claiming deductions.
The difficulty in transacting RPTs where shareholder’s approval is required as represented by HVDLEs is that the shareholding in HVDLEs is concentrated i.e. the shares are wholly/substantially held by one or few shareholders who are related parties.
SEBIs latest regulations reshape buyback methods. Explore changes in buyback calculations, methods, compliance, filing requirements, time limits, and more. Stay informed with Affluence Advisory.
FastTrack Analysis: SEBI (Issue and Listing of Non-Convertible Securities) (Amendment) Regulations, 2023. SEBI presribes timeline for appointment of nominee director. Get the details here.
Generate awareness about the availability of dispute resolution mechanisms at stock exchanges against listed companies & registrar to an issue & share transfer agent as per SEBI’s circular.
Whether the Noticees entered into off market transactions without making payment of consideration/fund settlement during the investigation period and hence, violated the provisions of Section 2 (i) (a) read with Section 13, 16, 18 of the SCRA and SEBI notification dated October 03, 2013 issued under the Sections 16 and 28 of the SCRA?