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Deductor to be deemed as assesee in deafult only in respect of actual tax liability of Non-Resident

July 2, 2014 2575 Views 0 comment Print

CBDT in its Instruction No. 2/2014 [F No. 500/33/2013-FTD-l], Dated 26-02-2014 issued in view of the judicial develpments in the cases of GE India Technology P Ltd. vs CIT [2010] 7 taxmann.com and Transmission corporation of AP Ltd v. CIT [1999] 105 Taxmann 742 decided by Supreme Court, has stated that a person who fails […]

Disallowance of input tax credit on the ground that seller is bogus or cancelled dealer-part II

June 16, 2014 15028 Views 0 comment Print

Another situation which in many of the cases under the Punjab VAT, which dealers are facing is the disallowance of input tax credit on the ground that the registration of seller of the goods has been cancelled or normally it is stated in the assessment orders that the person from whom goods have been purchased […]

Disallowance of input tax credit on the ground that seller is bogus or cancelled dealer

June 11, 2014 8962 Views 0 comment Print

The system of VAT was introduced in the sales tax law to bring more transparency, efficiency, to remove tax cascading etc. The difficulties which may arise in any system comes to picture only when the system is practically implemented. One of the major difficulties being faced by the dealers is the disallowance of input tax […]

Constitutional validity of section 39-A of Punjab VAT Act, 2005

May 17, 2014 1742 Views 0 comment Print

As per section 39A of Punjab VAT Act, 2005, the Punjab VAT Refund Fund has been constituted and the amount of tax collected as Advance Tax under Section 6(7) shall be credited directly into the said Fund. It has been provided that the Fund shall be maintained and operated by the Department of Excise and […]

Punjab VAT – Input Tax Credit w.e.f 01.04.2014

April 29, 2014 4467 Views 0 comment Print

Input tax credit is a concession granted by the State Government against the output tax liability on the sale or purchase of goods within the State jurisdiction. To avail such concession one has to fulfill the conditions imposed by the statue subject to which such concession is available. Amendment w.e.f. 01.04.2014: One of the most […]

Representation to Punjab Govt. on restriction of ITC on iron and steel

February 27, 2014 3614 Views 0 comment Print

Representation to Punjab Govt. on restriction of ITC on iron and steel under Punjab VAT I had prepared representation on behalf of Iron and steel industry in Punjab, which has been filed with the Punjab Government for withdrawal of latest notification dated 01.02.2014 regarding restriction of input tax credit on iron and steel goods to […]

Implications of newly added Rule 21(8) of Punjab VAT Rules, 2005

February 17, 2014 1193 Views 0 comment Print

Recently Rule 21(8) of Punjab VAT Rules 2005 was introduced which provided that where some goods as input or output are lying in stock of a taxable person and where rate of tax is reduced from a particular date, then from that date, input tax credit shall be admissible to the taxable person on sale […]

Relief for small traders in small towns-Punjab Small Traders Rahat Scheme, 2014

February 14, 2014 13179 Views 3 comments Print

Punjab Government u/s 8-A of the Punjab VAT Act, 2005 has legislated Punjab Small Traders Rahat Scheme, 2014. This scheme has been legislated for the retailers of small towns which falls in the Class-II and Class-III categories notified separately for this purpose.  

Punjab & Haryana High Court also stays section 62(5) of Punjab VAT Act, 2005

February 12, 2014 1089 Views 0 comment Print

Recently Supreme Court in Amrit Banaspati Company Pvt Ltd vs State of Punjab WP(c) No. 69 of 2014 has stayed the implementation and operation of section 62(5) of Punjab VAT Act, 2005 which provides for pre-deposit of 25% of additional demand before entertainment of any appeal.

SC stays sec. 62(5) of Punjab VAT Act -No need to pre-deposit 25% for filing appeal

February 5, 2014 5966 Views 0 comment Print

In a very important case namely Dishnet Wireless Ltd vs The Commercial Tax Officer SLP No. 37727/2013 and in WP(c) No. 69 of 2014 namely Amrit Banaspati Limited vs State of Punjab Supreme Court has granted stay on the operation and implementation of section 62(5) of Punjab VAT Act, 2005.

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