Although there has been a news in a leading Hindi Newspaper that in an ongoing case pending in P&H HC namely Bhushan Steel v. State of Punjab, the Hon’ble High Court has stayed the operation of entry tax in Punjab, but the collection of entry tax is still going on in Punjab. This withdrawal of entry tax on sugar would be a relief for the importers of sugar in State of Punjab.
Ceiling rate on declared goods have been enhanced from 4% to 5% by Central Govt in the Budget of 2011-12. Which follows that rate of tax on declared goods cannot exceed 5%. Rate of tax on paddy and wheat has been enhanced by the Punjab Govt from 4% to 5% by including these goods in schedule B of PVAT Act 2005.
Wheat and Paddy which are declared goods under CST Act 1956, have been added to schedule B of Punjab VAT Act 2005. The goods contained in schedule B of PVAT act 2005 are taxable @ 5%. An additional surcharge @ 10% is also applicable. But such surcharge will not be applicable on wheat and paddy since these goods are declared goods as per section 14 of CST Act 1956.
Himachal Pardesh High court in an important recent Judgment namely M/s Durga Dass Devki Nandan.V Income-tax Officer, Palampur decided on 11-03-2011 has held the circular No 739 dated 25-03-1996 of CBDT as invalid. The said circular is on the issue of availability of deduction to a partnership firm in relation to remuneration available to partners of a firm u/s 40(b)(v) of Income Tax Act 1961. The said circular stated that the deduction u/s 40(b)(v) will be available only if the remuneration to partners is authorized by the partnership deed by way of specification of amount of remuneration therein or by way of quantification of remuneration.
in a recent case namely Snoline/Snowline Air Conditioner Vs State of Punjab decided on 17-12-2010 by PVAT Tribunal(2011) 16 STM 332 where the penalty was imposed u/s 14-B(6)(i) of Punjab General Sales Tax Act 1948 and the case was remanded for denovo orders to the designated officer on the ground that “As per records, the goods were detained on 07-05-2003 and the penalizing officer imposed a penalty on 07.05.2003. It appears that no inquiry was made by penalizing officer before imposition of penalty. The case is remanded to the penalizing officer to afford proper opportunity of being heard to the appellant and pass de-novo orders.”
Section 39 of Punjab VAT Act 2005 deals with refund of tax. Some welcome changes have been made in said section by adding a new sub section 1-A to the said section which provides for provisional allowing of 75% of amount of refund claimed under PVAT Act subject to furnishing of indemnity bond in prescribed format and subject to such terms and conditions as may be prescribed.
Every person executing works contracts shall pay tax on the value of goods at the time of incorporation of such goods in the works executed at the rates applicable to the goods under this Act: Provided that where accounts are not maintained to determine the correct value of goods at the time of incorporation , such person shall pay tax at the rate of twelve and half per cent on the total consideration received or receivable, subject to such deductions , as may be prescribed
assessment under section 29(2) and 29(3) of PVAT Act 2005 can be made within three years from the last date of filing of annual statement (which is 20th November in case of taxable person and 20th August in case of Registered person) or the actual date of filing of annual statement whichever is later.
The Punjab Government has extended the due date for submission of all statutory forms under CST Act (C,E-I, E-II, F forms etc) from 20th November 2010 to 31st March 2011 by an official notification dated 16th February 2011. It is here to be noted that normally the Excise and Taxation Department, Punjab normally asks for to give all statutory forms under CST Act along with the annual statement to be filed on 20th November every year under the PVAT Act 2005.
Mumbai ITAT has held in an important case namely Kumarpal Amrutlal Doshi vs. DCIT (ITAT Mumbai) that relief u/s 54EC shall be available even if the bonds are issued after the requisite period of 6 months for investment, if the cheque is issued within the period of 6 months but cheque is encashed after the requisite period and bonds are also issued after the requisite period of 6 months.