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Exemption of services by Indian establishment to Foreign establishment – Not a complete relief yet!!!

August 18, 2018 32343 Views 1 comment Print

Amongst slew of other recommendations, an important exemption from GST has been provided to Indian entities/branches/project offices/liaison offices of foreign companies supplying services to them. This is indeed a remarkable exemption which will provide relief to many multinational companies.

Comparative summary of key 21 GST amendments as passed by Lok Sabha

August 16, 2018 24519 Views 2 comments Print

To iron out the practical hindrances and issues being faced by the Industry Inc since the implementation of GST, the Lok Sabha, on August 9, 2018, has passed the following amendment Bills to the GST Law: Central Goods and Services Tax (Amendment) Bill, 2018 [CGST Amendment Bill] amending the CGST Act, 2017 [CGST Act]; Integrated […]

GST on services provided by one unit to other unit of same Company

August 15, 2018 60072 Views 2 comments Print

Breaking the ice on much-debated taxability of inter-company supply of services in GST, the Hon’ble Authority for Advance Ruling, Karnataka while deciding the application filed by M/s Columbia Asia Hospitals Private Limited [Advance Ruling No. KAR ADRG 15/2018 dated July 27, 2018], has ruled that the activities performed by the employees at the corporate office […]

GST Charcha – Seizure Order of Goods: Appealable or Not?

August 2, 2018 20547 Views 0 comment Print

This GST Charcha deciphers into relevant provisions of GST Law along with legal jurisprudence to determine whether the Order of seizure of goods by the Revenue is appealable or not under the provisions of the CGST Act?

Key features of Draft Simplified GST Returns

August 2, 2018 16911 Views 0 comment Print

The Note on draft format of GST simplified return, inter alia, contains brief note which lists the salient features of the new GST return format and business process for the information of trade and industry

Exemption Notifications must be interpreted strictly: Supreme Court

August 2, 2018 27408 Views 1 comment Print

In case of ambiguity in a charging provision, benefit must necessarily go in favour of assessee but the same is not true for an exemption notification. When there is ambiguity in exemption notification which is subject to strict interpretation, the benefit of such ambiguity cannot be claimed by the subject/assessee and it must be interpreted in favour of the revenue.

Key 15 suggestions on simplifying GST for SME / MSME sector

July 31, 2018 15483 Views 1 comment Print

Ahead of GST Council meeting on August 4, which would exclusively focus on the issues / hardships faced by MSME, CBIC is collating grievances/issues related to GST and suggestions thereof for mitigating such issues for MSME taxpayers.

GST: Retrospective Application of Merchant Trading, In-bond sales & High seas sales covered in Schedule III

July 26, 2018 6162 Views 1 comment Print

One of the significant changes proposed by the GST Council in its recently concluded 28th meeting on July 21, 2018 is inclusion of following transactions in Schedule III to the CGST Act, 2017 (i.e. activities or transactions which shall be treated neither as a supply of goods nor a supply of services): Merchant trading. supply […]

Reduction in GST rates on several goods – Anti-Profiteering alert!!!

July 25, 2018 4440 Views 0 comment Print

The recently concluded 28th meeting of GST Council has recommended changes in the GST rates on several goods and brought down the GST rates on number of products bringing as many as 88 products in lower tax slab.

GST Charcha: Compliances of E-Way Bill – Alarming Bells!!

July 21, 2018 13719 Views 3 comments Print

Do E-Way Bill system is to check tax evasion or to confer arbitrary powers on authorities to impose heavy penalties in case of missing details for a technical fault even when apparently there is no ill intention to evade taxes.

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