CESTAT, New Delhi set aside the order holding that the amount received towards penalty, earnest money deposit forfeiture and liquidated damages would be tantamount to a consideration, for which service tax would be levied, passed by the Commissioner and held that, it is not possible to sustain the view taken by the Commissioner.
CESTAT Bangalore, in M/S. Anheuser Busch Inbev India Ltd. v. Commissioner of Central Tax [Service Tax Appeal No. 20374 of 2020, decided on February 18, 2021] held that no service tax under reverse charge mechanism is payable on the license fee and other application fee paid to the State Excise department for grant of liquor license. Further, confirmed the Service tax demand on Storage License fee for CO2 which the Appellant is liable to pay along with interest.
Amount deposited during the pendency of the appeals before the Hon’ble Supreme Court has to be construed as having paid under protest and has to be refunded without insisting on such importer or manufacturer satisfying the requirement of unjust enrichment as in the case of pre deposit.
This GST Charcha deciphers into recent changes in GST Laws made vide Clause No. 103 of the Finance Bill, 2021 to provide certainty as to leviability of interest only on Net Tax Liability.
Varahamurthi Flexirub Industries Pvt. Ltd Vs State Tax Officer (Kerala High Court) Varahamurthi Flexirub Industries (P.) Ltd. (Petitioner) received an order of confirmation of penalty from the State Tax Officer (Respondents). The Petitioner had challenged the order of the Respondents in directing bank to invoke bank guarantee and to forward demand draft of value of […]
Supply of un-assembled parts & components to railways not classifiable under Chapter 86 for lower rate of GST The Hon’ble AAR Haryana in M/s. JSL India Private Limited [Advance Ruling No. HAR/HAAR/R/2018-19/51 decided on April 24, 2019] held that supply of un-assembled rail coach from one unit to another unit where these goods would be […]
This GST Charcha deciphers into recent changes in GST Laws made vide Clause No. 101, 102 and 112 of the Finance Bill, 2021 with respect to scrapping GST Audit by professionals and moving to self-certification.
AAR, Haryana held that, temporary structure (i.e., hall or pandal or shamiana or any other place) built up with iron/steel pillars tight up with nuts and bolts specially created for functions would be treated as Immovable property.
GST Charcha deciphers into recent changes in GST Laws made vide Clause No. 100 of the Finance Bill, 2021 with respect to the addition of a new condition for availment of Input Tax Credit
Union of India & Ors. Vs National Engineering Co. (Supreme Court of India) The Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in Union of India & Ors. v. M/s National Engineering Co. [Special Leave Petition (Civil) Diary No(s). 2701/2021, dated February 15, 2021] directed Union of India (the Petitioner) to file an affidavit within 4 weeks, answering […]