The applicant is providing hostel on the rent to various students where fees charged per student per day per room is much less than Rs. 1000/- per day per person. Therefore, considering the provisions of notification Entry No. 14, and clarification given by CBIC in circular No. 32/06/2018-GST dated 12th February 2018, it is held that, the applicant’s activity is satisfying the conditions of Entry 14 of said Notification and hence would be exempt from taxes.
Other Charges are different from the service of construction of residential flats. It cannot be said to be naturally bundled and supplied in conjunction with each other. The amount and consideration is separately for different services. Therefore, the Other Charges are not covered under Composite Supply of Services
The Petitioner contended some of the directions issued by the Respondent are bad in law because the Respondent has delegated upon a special auditor the work which he himself was required to do thereby is in the nature of investigation. Such directions cannot be segregated from the other directions and therefore submitted that the entire order containing the directions be quashed and set aside.
Revenue is precluded from invoking section 9(2) (g) of the DVAT Act to deny ITC to a purchasing dealer who has bona fidely entered into a purchase transaction with a registered selling dealer who had issued a tax invoice reflecting the Taxpayer Identification Number
The Petitioner is an assignee of right, title and interest of the credit facilities to Borrower which is now in liquidation and the Petitioner has a secured and a prior charge over the attached properties of the Borrower. The Petitioner, due to the prior charge, has been aggrieved by the order of the Respondent which is seeking Income Tax dues from the Borrower.
Appellant contended that accumulated credits of Cesses were not transitioned into GST regime due to specific restriction under Section 140(1) of CGST Act. Appellant therefore had to resort to the option of refund under existing law to avoid lapsing of credit.
Wipro Limited Vs JCIT (Karnataka High Court) Karnataka High Court allowed the additional 3% interest on the delayed Income Tax Refund to Wipro ( Petitioner) from the Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax (DCIT) (Respondent). The Petitioner approached the Writ Court to challenge the order in which the Respondent, DCIT, denied additional 3 percent interest on […]
Tata Motors Ltd has sought a clarification whether ITC will be available on GST charged by service provider on canteen facility provided to employees working in factory and whether the same would be restricted to extent of cost borne by the Applicant. Along with that it has also been sought if GST is to be applicable on Nominal amount received by Applicant for usage of the canteen facility by the employees.
In The World Economic Forum, India Liaison Office, [GST-ARA- 11/2019-20/B-50 dated August 20, 2021], the World Economic Forum, India Liaison Office (the Applicant) has sought clarification on whether the activities carried out by the Applicant’s Head Office (HO) located outside India would amount to Supply under Section 7 of the Central Goods and Services Tax […]
In M/s. Hilti Manufacturing India Pvt. Ltd. [ADVANCE RULING NO. GUJ/GAAR/R/26/2021 dated July 09, 2021], M/s. Hilti Manufacturing India Pvt. Ltd ( Applicant) has sought a clarification on the liability to pay Goods and Services Tax (GST) on Research and Development (R&D) Sciences on goods physically made available by foreign entities. The Hon’ble Gujarat Authority […]