Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is one of the important source of funds for developing countries like India. Economic liberalization started in India in the wake of the 1991 crisis and since then, FDI has steadily increased in the country. With the lowering tax rate for corporates and availability of skilled and cheap labour, India become global hub for businesses since last few years.
Introduction There are 2 types of share in any company first is Equity shares or Common Stock and second is Preference shares or Preferred stock. Equity shareholder are considered as real owners of the Company as they have voting rights in a company while preference shareholders don’t have voting rights on all resolutions in ordinary […]
Introduction Since 2015, Indian Govt. has started various measures for ease of doing business by various means like Exemptions to Private Companies, Companies Amendment Act, 2017, 2019, Zero fees of incorporation for new companies having capital upto Rs. 15 Lacs etc. At the same time, it has also taken stringent actions against non-compliant companies and […]
Introduction Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) is a hybrid entity with the advantages of a company and operational flexibility of a partnership. Since the introduction of Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 and over a period of time, it has become a popular form of business entity in India owing to its simplified structure, minimal compliances, tax […]
Shareholders in a listed company are classified under two broad categories, i.e. those that belong to the promoter/promoter group and those shareholders who are members of the public with no formal relationship with the promoter/promoter group.
Introduction A Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) is a corporate business form combining features of both Company and traditional partnership firms. It offers the benefits of a limited liability to the partners. The concept of LLP was emerged and got place in statutes in 2008 while the concept of private company is much older. LLPs offer […]
Indian Trusts have no central law; Indian Societies have different legal and institutional frameworks from state to state while Section 8 companies have one uniform law across the country – Companies Act, 2013. It is this robust Act that regulates the formation, management and accountability of a Section 8 Company, thus making it more closely regulated and monitored than trusts and societies, and recognized all over the world.
Introduction The Intellectual Property Laws in India do not define the term ‘celebrity’. Celebrities can be defined as people who enjoy public recognition by a large share of a certain group of people. Attributes like attractiveness, extraordinary lifestyle or special skills are observed in celebrities generally. Since they are famous and having significant influence among […]
Introduction Traditionally, minimum 2 members were required to register a Company in India and due to this many small businesses in India were functioning as sole proprietor only. There are various disadvantages of running a sole proprietor business major being unlimited liability. In India, introduction of OPC was given in the Dr J.J Irani Committee […]
There are complex and tedious compliance requirements for public limited company in India. In contrast, private limited company has fewer compliances compared to public limited company. In addition, there are various exemptions available under the Companies Act 2013 for a private limited company. Recently, in the budget of 2021-22, the limits of the small company […]