Appointment of Women Directors – compliance with clause 49 (II) (A) (1) of Listing agreement and Section 149 of Companies Act, 2013
As you are well aware that SEBI vide its circular dated 17th April, 2014 has made it mandatory for all the listed companies to appoint atleast one Woman Director on their Board of Directors by 31st March, 2015 in alignment with the requirement of Section 149 of the Companies Act, 2013, under corporate governance norms.
With just 10 days left to meet the deadline, SEBI is very serious on the compliance to these norms and has proactively sought the action initiated to ensure compliance with the aforesaid requirement for the companies that are yet to appoint a Woman Director on their board.
On behest of the SEBI, I request all my professional colleagues to apprise their Board of Directors to appoint atleast one Woman Director on their Board by 31st March, 2015, if not yet appointed, to comply with the aforesaid compulsory requirement of SEBI.
CS ATUL H MEHTA, President, ICSI (Source- ICSI)