A Committee – “Media Reporting in Courts — Balancing Free Press, Fair Trial and Integrity of Judicial Proceedings” was constituted by Hon’ble the Acting Chief Justice of the High Court of Delhi vide note dated 23.06.2017.
The said note stands uploaded on the Website of this Court on 26.08.2017 and can be accessed at under the link “Public Notices – General”.
As per the deliberations of the Committee in its meeting held on 31.08.2017, questionnaires are hereby circulated to the members of the general public to give their suggestions on the subject matter to the Committee within 21 days. The questionnaire can be accessed and submitted through the following link:-
In the alternative a print out of the following form can also be taken, filled and then sent to:
Reetesh Singh
Joint Registrar (Judicial) (Rules) High Court of Delhi,
Sher Shah Road,
New Delhi 110503.
Accreditation of Media Personnel — Questionnaire
The Delhi High Court has constituted a committee under the Chairpersonship of Justice (Retd.) Ruma Pal on the subject ‘Media reporting in courts —balancing free press, fair trial and integrity of judicial proceedings.’ The Committee will explore the ideal balance between the freedom of the press and the administration of justice, which are both key constitutional values. To this end, the Committee seeks the opinion of various stakeholders on formulating guidelines for accreditation of media personnel reporting from the Delhi High Court and other lower courts in Delhi.