Infres Methodex Private Limited Vs ACIT – Delhi High Court allows a 20% adjustment of refund against Income Tax demand
ITAT Delhi in Jubilant Securities Pvt Ltd Vs DCIT case, highlighted the rule that disallowance under Section 14A cannot exceed exempt income
ITAT Jaipur in Yogendra Khandelwal Vs ACIT, mandates re-adjudication for penalty imposed under Section 271(1)(c) without adequate hearing.
ITAT Delhi in Padam Singhee Vs DCIT ruled that penalties under section 271AAA of Income Tax Act cannot be levied without a recorded statement
ITAT Cuttack – Abani Pattanayak Vs ACIT- ITAT ruled that maintenance and electricity charges not in the form of deposits are excluded from property cost for computing LTCG