Srei Equipment Finance Limited Vs Additional / Joint/ Deputy / Assistant CIT (Calcutta High Court) Facts- The appellant had filed the writ petition challenging the notice dated 23rd March, 2022 which is an opportunity granted to the assessee to show cause as to why the proposal made in the notice by way of giving effect […]
ITO (Exemption) Vs Innovative Welfare and Educational Society (ITAT Delhi) Facts- The Assessee had filed its ROI on dated 31.03.2006 by declaring Nil income which was processed and resulting into passing of the assessment order u/s 143(3) of the Act on dated 21-09-2007. Later on it came to the knowledge of the AO that the […]
TPO /DRP in their order has expressed an inability to compute the ALP using CUP due to a lack of information in the public domain. Given the difficulty / impossibility in computing ALP using CUP and considering the close nexus between the manufacturing activity and payment of management / license fees, the method to be adopted for benchmarking the above international transactions by the assessee ought to be TNMM.
We observed that the exemption was claimed U/s 54F of the Act on this account is Rs. 6,33,190/-. It is further noticed that the Assessing Officer has not disputed the purchase of new house in the name of wife of the assessee though the claim was denied by the AO.
Discover the consequences of not linking your Aadhaar with PAN. Stay informed about the mandatory requirement and avoid potential penalties.
When the assessee’s main dominant and prime objective was to promote the sports was not desire to earn profits but, object of promoting sports for Nation, it was clearly a charitable purpose. Assessee was entitled for exemption under section 11.
Learn the basics of banking reconciliation setup and process at banks. Understand how inter-office accounts are managed and reconciled in the CBS environment.
Understanding the new SEBI LODR regulations and amendments regarding related party disclosures effective from 1st April 2022.
Discover effective techniques to save tax on Capital Gains from the sale of Shares or Mutual Funds. Maximize your investment returns with smart tax planning strategies.
Discover the tax benefits of owning an electric vehicle in India. Learn how to claim deductions under section 80EEB of the Income Tax Act.