Mandatory filing/issuance of Registration Cum Membership Certificate (RCMC)/ Registration Certificate (RC) through the DGFT common digital platform from 01.04.2022
Import policy of ITC (HS) 8524 and ITC (HS) 8525 89 00 is revised from ‘Restricted’ to ‘Free’ with immediate effect. Notification No. 55 /2015-2020 Dated: 24th February, 2022
SEBI mandated submission of nomination details/declaration for opting out of nomination for investors opening new trading and or demat account(s) on or after October 01, 2021. The circular also prescribed mandatory furnishing of the aforesaid information for all existing eligible trading and demat account holders.
SEBI has received requests from various stakeholders to further extend the aforesaid timeline. After consideration of the same, it has been decided that provisions of the said circular dated July 20, 2021 (apart from provisions of Paragraphs 4 and 5) shall come into force with effect from May 02, 2022.
The Government of India has decided that the date of closure of residual transactions for the month of March 2022 be fixed as April 11, 2022. In view of the ensuing closing of government accounts for the financial year 2021-22, receiving branches including those not situated locally, should adopt special arrangements such as courier service etc., for passing on challans/scrolls etc., to the Nodal/Focal Point branches so that all payments and collections made on behalf of government towards the end of March are accounted for in the same financial year.
In the instant matter, the SBI had made a complaint to CBI on 4th January, 2021 requesting it to lodge the complaint and carry out a detailed investigation into the fraudulent activities committed intentionally and knowingly by Shri. Paruchuri Kumar and his family members in collusion with the advocates, valuers, Sri Abdul Rawoof Pasha and […]
Provided that an Insured Women shall be eligible to claim maternity benefit for a confinement occurring or expected to occur in the benefit period January 2021-June 2021 if contributions in respect of her were payable for not less than 35 days in the immediately preceding two consecutive contribution periods from October, 2019 to March, 2020 and April, 2020- to September, 2020.
Result of Chartered Accountants Intermediate Examination (Old Course & New Course) held in May 2018 are likely to be declared on Sunday, 29th July 2018
2 held by Faridabad CGST Commissionerate for issuing fake invoices of over Rs 200 crore and availing involving fraudulent ITC of Rs 31.85 crore Central Goods and Services Tax (CGST) Commissionerate, Faridabad, of Panchkula CGST Zone, on 23.02.2022 arrested two persons for running a fake billing racket, involving five (5) dummy firms, dealing in trading […]
Delhi South CGST unearths fake invoicing racket of Rs 611 crore involving tax evasion of 38.5 crore A specific intelligence was developed by the officers of Delhi South CGST Commissionerate concerning certain bogus firms that were created solely for the purpose of generating fake invoices and passing ineligible input tax credit along the chain. Searches […]