ज्यादातर लोगों के मन में आज भी यह धारणा है कि खेती की जमीन पर की गई हर प्रकार की गतिविधियां, उद्योग, धंधा, आदि खेती की श्रेणी में आते है और करमुक्त होतें है. खासकर डेयरी फार्मिंग, पोल्ट्री फार्मिंग और व्यावसायिक पौधों को बेचना, तो लोग खेती ही मानते हैं. इस धारणा को हमें ठीक […]
In re J M Chemicals (Trade Name) Manjuben Rameshchandra Gupta (Legal Name) (GST AAR Gujarat) Whether M/s. J.M. Chemicals is eligible to claim Input Tax Credit of GST paid on input services of Lease Premium paid to Ginni Filaments on which they have charged GST under the head miscellaneous receipt under SAC code No. 99979. […]
In re GACL NALCO Alkalies & Chemical Pvt. Ltd. (GST AAR Gujarat) Whether GNAL is entitled to claim Input Tax Credit of the GST paid on the services provided by GACL in the form of agreeing to surrender/ relinquish its rights in the leasehold property in favour of GNAL? Law makes it explicitly clear that […]
In re Golden Tobie Private Limited (GST AAR Uttar Pradesh) As such, the promotional scheme of additional 30 packs of cigarettes on every purchase of 100 packs of cigarettes for the payment of 100 packs of cigarettes is a taxable supply of 130 packs of cigarettes on the price of 100 packs of cigarettes. There […]
With globalization, people and corporates venturing abroad for work and to explore foreign markets is common. This brings a need to pay taxes on income earned in foreign countries. The question is, if an Indian resident earns income and pays taxes abroad, can he claim credit of the taxes paid in foreign countries and if […]
The GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B for the Month of September that are to be filed in October holds an importance as it is assumed to be the last date for making entries/amendments for the previous financial year. Now the important question is that what’s the due date for making amendments is for GSTR-1 and claiming ITC […]
In re Divyajivan Healthcare LLP (GST AAR Gujarat) Whether lump-sum amount received for Health care Services to be provided for 20 years by the applicant as ‘Diamond Plan’ is exempted from Goods and Services Tax as per Sr. No. 74 of Notification No. 12/2017- CT(R)? On careful consideration of the applicant’s submission, we find that […]
The norms pertaining to transmission of securities to joint holders(s) are provided in clause 23 of Table F in schedule 1 read with section 56(2) & 56(4)(c) of the Companies Act 2013.
Whereas, Section 4 of the Act states that promoter shall get his accounts audited within six months after the end of every financial year by a chartered accountant in practice, and shall produce a statement of accounts duly certified and signed by such chartered accountant.
Whenever any depositor has opened more than one PPF Accounts, the second and subsequent accounts opened are treated as irregular, as an individual can open only one single account under PPF Scheme.