The Reserve Bank of India on 24th May 2021 released on its website its study titled, “Risk Premium Shocks and Business Cycle Outcomes in India”. The study was co-authored by Dr. Shesadri Banerjee, Shri Jibin Jose, and Shri Radheshyam Verma, all scholarly economists from RBI. This study investigates the dynamic effects of financial shocks on the […]
Office Order No. 140 of 2021 With the approval of the Competent Authority, the following officers shall hold the charge along with zonal charges mentioned against their name with immediate effect, until further orders:
(Loan Agreement should be dully signed and executed by all parties as per the State Stamp Act and agreement should be notarized as well) The undersigned: (Borrower) _______________________Hereinafter referred to as “the Borrower” And (Lender) __________________________Hereinafter referred to as “the Lender” Whereas: The Lender, as the Foreign Equity Holder of the Borrower’s company and holding […]
Pursuant to SEBI Notification No. SEBI/LAD-NRO/GN/2021/22 dated May 05, 2021 SEBI has amended Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. Amendment regulation are called Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2021. 1. Amendment with Respect to Quarterly Compliance S.No. Reg. Particulars […]
Much awaited Reserve Bank of India guidelines to harmonise various instructions issued to Commercial Banks, SFBs, RRBs, UCBs and LABs; align these guidelines with emerging national priorities and bring sharper focus on inclusive development and also aim to encourage and support environment friendly lending policies to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been issued in […]
Notification No. 33/2021 -Customs (ADD) | Dated 03.06.2021 | Continuation of anti-dumping duty on imports of ‘Phenol’ originating in or exported from European Union and Singapore till 31st October 2021. MINISTRY OF FINANCE (Department of Revenue) NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 3rd June, 2021 Notification No. 33/2021 -Customs (ADD) G.S.R. 389(E).—Whereas, the designated authority vide initiation […]
Notification No. 32/2021 -Customs (ADD) | Dated 03.06.2021 | Continuation of anti-dumping duty on imports of ‘Polytetrafluoroethylene’, originating in or exported from Russia till 31.10.2021 MINISTRY OF FINANCE (Department of Revenue) NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 3rd June, 2021 Notification No. 32/2021-Customs (ADD) G.S.R. 388(E).—Whereas, the designated authority vide initiation notification No. 7/47/2020-DGTR, dated the 12th […]
The election of members to the Council under clause (a) of sub-section (2) of section 12 of the Act shall be held by casting votes through postal ballot or voting by electronic means or both, as may be decided by the Council from time to time.
In response to outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic, the government has issued various notifications ranging from Notification No. 07/2021-Central Tax dated 27.04.2021 to Notification No. 27/2021-Central Tax dated 01.06.2021 extending certain due dates under GST and granting relief to taxpayers in terms of waiver of interest cost on delayed payment of tax and late fees on […]
If the amount of compensation payable under sub-section (3) of section 77 is not paid by the employer within the period of thirty days, the employer shall pay, from the date on which the compensation become payable to the date on which it is paid, simple interest at the rate of twelve per cent. per annum or any other rate notified by the Central Government from time to time.