Rahul Gautam Vs Himalaya Real Estate Pvt. Ltd. (NAA) Facts of the Case: The brief facts of the case are that the Applicant No. 1 had filed an application dated 16.10.2018 before the Haryana State Screening Committee on Anti-profiteering, under Rule 128 (2) of the Central Goods and Services Tax Rules, 2017 and submitted that […]
Director General of Anti-Profiteering Vs L’Oreal India Pvt. Ltd (National Anti-Profiteering Authority) Facts of the Case: The brief facts of the case are that it was alleged that the Respondent had not passed on the benefit of reduction in the rate of GST on the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCGs) being supplied by him, when […]
Sh. Bhanja Kishore Pradhan Vs HCBS Promoters & Developers Pvt. Ltd (National Anti-Profiteering Authority) Facts of the Case: The brief facts of the case are that the Applicant No. 1 filed application, dated 19.09.2018, before the National Anti-profiteering Authority under Rule 128 (1) of the CGST Rules, 2017. The said application was forwarded by the […]
Authority has notified IRDAI (Insurance Intermediaries) (Amendment) Regulations, 2019 for allowing 100% Foreign Direct Investment in insurance intermediaries. One of the conditions specified in the said regulation is that the insurance intermediary that has majority shareholding of foreign investors shall take prior permission of the Authority for repatriating dividend.
CBIC notifies certain sections in the Finance (No.2) Act, 2019 pertaining to CGST & IGST Act, effective from 1st January 2020 The Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs (CBIC) has notified the following Sections of the Finance (No.2) Act, 2019 which pertain to various sections in the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 […]
The concept of small companies was introduced by the companies act, 2013 for the first time. According to the Act some companies are termed as small companies based on their capital and turnover for the purpose of providing certain relief/exemptions to these companies. What is a small company? Section 2(85) of Companies Act, 2013 defines small […]
The Income Tax law on capital gains on the transfer of movable and immovable assets is a much debated subject from its inception and a lot of clarity has emerged over a period of time through various amendments to the law, judicial decisions and clarificatory notifications/ circulars.The Entry 82 of List I to the Constitution […]
E-way bills is an electronic document generated for the specific movement of goods from one place to another and of value more than Rs. 50,000. In the background of decrease in collection of GST revenue, Govt has implemented Rule 138E of CGST rules from 1st December 2019 as per which if taxpayer has not filed […]
Who is eligible to file declaration under SABKA VISHWAS (LEGACY DISPUTE RESOLUTION) SCHEME, 2019? Any person falling under the following categories is eligible, subject to other conditions under the Scheme, to file a declaration:
Gemini Edibles and Fats India Pvt. Ltd. Vs Union of India (Madras High Court) Point for consideration in this writ petition is as to whether the Revenue is justified in debiting the Social Welfare Surcharge (SWS) also from and out of the value of the relevant scrips issued under two schemes viz., MEIS and SEIS, […]