Under this scheme the resource provided by trust, these called as ‘On Job Trainee’. It will be paid monthly stipend amount determined by the client and Trust. The Trust is expected to collect stipend amount from the client and transfer the entire amount to the trainee – Does this stipend reimbursement attracts GST or not?
In re Universal Import Export (GST AAR Gujarat) Question 1: At What rate GST payable on supply of MANGO PULP falling under Heading No. 08045040 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 and rate of GST? Answer : ‘Mango Pulp’ will fall under the entry No. 453 of Schedule III of the Notification No.01/2017- Central Tax […]
In re Sameera Trading Company (GST AAR Karnataka) Whether GST is applicable on local sale of used second hand Wind Turbine Generator (WTG) / (Wind Mill) with accessories? The Supply of Used Wind Turbine Generator (WTG) or Wind Mill with accessories is a composite supply of Wind Mills and is liable to tax at 2.5% […]
Whether Bagasse based Particle Board manufactured with a composition of 75% of bagasse, 25% of wood particles and 5 kgs of resins falls under serial No.92 of Schedule II [GST rate 12%) or under Sr. No. 137A of Schedule III (GST rate 18%) of the Notification No. 01/2017 – Integrated Tax [Rate] dated 28.06.2017?
In re Conservia Ecocrafts India Private Limited (GST AAR Karnataka) What is the rate of tax applicable under GST on Areca Palm Leaf Plates? The Areca Leaf plates made out of pericarnium of areca leaves are liable to tax at 2.5% from 22.09.2017 under the CGST Act as per entry no. 198A of Schedule I […]
In re M/s The Nurserymen Co-operative Society (GST AAR Karnataka) Whether the landscape development and maintenance of garden work for State and Central Government Departments, all government local bodies (Municipalities and Corporations) etc. and other government undertakings through contract from sub-contracts attracts GST as inward supplies from those vendors? Even after assuming the activity of […]
In re M/s Bhavika Bhatia (GST AAR Madhya Pradesh) Services provided by the applicant for transportation of students and staff of the contracee’s Institute/college under contract carriage by non-air conditioned buses is exempt from GST as per clause (b) of SI. No. 15 of Notification No. 12/2017-Central Tax (Rate), dated 28.6.2017. However the exemption will be […]
The product in question viz. Utility Vehicles, predominantly designed for transportation of goods conforming to the norms of Category N vehicles as per Automotive Industry Standards AIS 053, shall merit classification under Chapter 8704 of the GST Tariff and shall be chargeable to GST at the rate prevailing at the time of supply.
In the instant case we find that the applicant have been awarded a consolidated contract for carrying out different specified works at Shri Singaji Thermal Power Project, which includes erection, commissioning, installation etc. We also find it necessary to place on record that there are certain items mentioned in the subject contract including, but not limited to, ‘Fitness Centre cum Gym’, which definitely do not find place in the ambit of essential work entrusted by the State Government to MPPGCL. Needless to mention that such work shall not qualify for exemption as envisaged under Sr.No.3(vi) to the Notification no. 11/2017-CT(Rate), in as much as it does not fall within the scope of work entrusted by Government of Madhya Pradesh to MPPGCL.
In re M/s World Researchers Associations (GST AAR Madhya Pradesh) A joint reading of activities covered under the Notification and the activities performed show that Promotions of Research and Publishing of online research journal are not activities contemplated in the exemption entry since they do not fall under care or counselling; or spreading public awareness; […]