Companies Act Depreciation Calculator from 2014 to 2074 and so on with all Future Year Depreciation As per Schedule II of the Companies Act, 2013, depreciation needs to be calculated based on useful life of assets as per either straight line method(SLM) or written down value(WDV) method. Further, in the notes to the accounts, it […]
So far the demand for sale of domain name is concerned, the issue stands decided in favour of the appellant in the case of Tata Sons Limited (supra) wherein it has been held that transaction in domain name is a transaction in property in the goods and amounts to transaction of sale of goods. Domain name are akin to trade mark, making them the property of the person who owns it.
From 1st October 2019, well known Forms GSTR 1 and 3B of GST Era would be replaced with new Forms in a phased manner. Form GST – RET – 01 to be filed along with annexures Anx -1 for outward supplies, RCM and import of goods/services etc., and in Anx-2 details to be validated for […]
Mr Arun Jaitley, India’s ex Finance Minister, and an important leader in the Modi Govt. has passed away today, on Saturday 24/08/2019. Mr. Jaitley, who held several important portfolios in his political career spanning over four decades, passed away at 12.07 P.M at AIIMS in the New Delhi. He was a senior Supreme Court lawyer […]
IRDAI (Regulatory Sandbox) Regulations, 2019 Introduction To carve out a safe and useful space to experiment with Fin-Tech solutions, and where the consequences of failure can be contained. In light of the same, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) notified IRDAI (Regulatory Sandbox) Regulations, 2019 to create a Regulatory Sandbox (RS) whose […]
Section 151- Income Tax Act, 1961 The Assessing Officer has to take approval from higher authorities before issue of notice u/s 148 of the Act. How important is application of mind by the Assessing Officer to record the reasons and more important is grant of approval u/s 151(1)&(2), of the Act with full application of […]
Article explains Compliance Requirement related to E-Form INC-20A, Holding Board Meetings, Appointment of Auditor, Statutory Audit of Accounts, Statutory registers requirement, Filing of Annual Return (Form MGT-7), Filing of Financial Statements (E-Form Form AOC-4), Holding Annual General Meeting, Preparation of Directors’ Report, E-Form INC-22A Active compliance, DIR-3 KYC, E-Form DPT-3, E-Form BEN-2 and E-Form MSME. […]
C. Incorporation of Nidhi Company: A Person (or an Association of Persons), desirous of incorporating a Nidhi Company has to make an application for the purpose, with the Registrar within whose jurisdiction the registered office of the company is proposed to be situated, in e-Form No. INC-32 (SPICe). All the documents which are required to […]
Government e Marketplace (GeM) facilitates online procurement of common use Goods & Services required by various Government Departments / Organisations / PSUs. GeM aims to enhance transparency, efficiency and speed in public procurement. It provides the tools of e-bidding, reverse e-auction and demand aggregation to facilitate the government users, achieve the best value for their money.
Arjun, for breaking the Dahi Handi taxpayers are required to overcome 10 difficulties i.e. 10 layer pyramid. These layers are as follows: To have a stable pyramid, a strong foundation is required. The biggest hurdle of forming this in GST is calculation of net liability through Annual return and Audit Report, as both the forms provides no information regarding it.