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Archive: 11 January 2019

Posts in 11 January 2019

Checklist For Voluntary Winding Up Of Company

January 11, 2019 57984 Views 0 comment Print

Voluntary winding up of the Company- Appointment of Liquidator (An insolvency professional shall be appointed who is independent from the company). To consider and approve Declaration of Solvency and affidavit by the directors of the Company.

TReDS (Trade Receivables Discounting System) A Boon for MSME

January 11, 2019 17874 Views 0 comment Print

MSMEs are the back bone of Indian Economy and despite the important role played by them in country’s overall economic growth, continue to face constraints in obtaining adequate finance, particularly in terms of their ability to convert their trade receivables into liquid funds.

4 reasons: Why financial planning NOT only for rich people

January 11, 2019 2553 Views 2 comments Print

Why investors think financial planning is only for rich people? As a Financial Planner this question is bugging me for a while. So I started my work to find the answer and now I am here. Now, I want to rephrase this question. “Why financial planning is NOT only for rich people?” First of all […]

Vagaries of Cross Charge & ISD – GST Council Needs to Intervene

January 11, 2019 1731 Views 1 comment Print

Uncover the complexities of Cross Charge and ISD in GST. Analysis of the ruling by AAAR in Karnataka and the need for intervention by the GST Council.

Relaxation of Penalty U/S 271DA for Violation of Section 269ST

January 11, 2019 57774 Views 6 comments Print

Finance Act 2017, instead of amending section 273B, inserted a proviso to section 271DA itself to the effect that, no penalty shall be imposable if such person proves that there were good and sufficient reasons for the contravention of section 269ST. However, what could constitute good and sufficient reasons for contravention have not been defined.

Interest on ITC Availed but not utilized under GST

January 11, 2019 54690 Views 5 comments Print

Across the country objections have raised by the GST Department on erroneously availed but not utilized ITC. In this article we will discuss on such objections and the legal provisions in this regard. First as per Sec 50(3) read with sec 42(10) of CGST Act, payment of interest is only triggered where there is a […]

Treatment of Tax paid by employer on Non-Monetary Perquisites

January 11, 2019 110859 Views 8 comments Print

Perquisite has a known normal meaning, namely, a personal advantage; something that benefits a man by going “into his own pocket”. The perquisites are taxable under the head salary in the Income Tax Act. As per Section 17(2)(iv), perquisite includes ‘any sum paid by the employer in respect of any obligation which, but for such […]

Recent Amendments in Provisions of Electronic Invoice under GST

January 11, 2019 18429 Views 0 comment Print

With the introduction of the 14th Amendment to the Central Goods and Service Tax Rules, there were various amendments being undertaken with regard to the electronic invoice. The amendments were done by way of adding up of the proviso to various relevant rules and the same is explained below in a tabular format –

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