Lack of opportunity at the revisional stage under Section 263 does not vitiate the entire order, or the proceedings; rather it is a curable defect. Court is of the opinion that the ruling in Commissioner of Income tax v Amitabh Bacchan 2016 SCC Online SC 484 is decisive; it upholds the power of the Commissioner to consider all aspects which were the subject matter of the AO’s order, if in his opinion, they are erroneous, despite the assessee’s appeal on that or some other aspect.
While deleting an addition made in respect of undisclosed income, the Delhi bench of the ITAT held that the gift received by the assessee cannot be treated as non-genuine merely for the reason that the family members of the assessee had received bogus gifts during the same year.
Respondent was required to consider as to merely because the notified party in the commercial invoice contains an address in Chennai, can the transaction be suspected to be one for sale within the State of Tamil Nadu. In fact, when the Detention Notice was issued on suspicion, there was no tangible material available with the officer to suspect that the imported goods were intended for sale in Tamil Nadu.
Considering the requests received to extend the permission for some more time it has been extended to display the revised MRP due to implementation of GST by way of stamping or putting sticker or online printing for a further period of three months, i.e. up to 31st December, 2017.
Software Technology Parks of India (STPI) invites proposal from the Chartered/Cost Accountant Firms for appointment as Tax Consultant for providing the taxation services to STPI. The details of RFP are as under:
Request for Proposal (RFP): Appointment of Concurrent Auditors for State Health Society Maharashtra (SHSM) and its Grantee Institutions for Audit of all programmes under National Health Mission including NDCPs & NCDs for the F.Y.2018-19.
Please Read Clarification at the end of Article by Mcdonald in respect of Below Story. Nowadays Social media is abuzz with a Photo showing two bills of Mcdonald’s Family Restaurant in which Price inclusive of Tax of one of the item sold by it is shown as same on 15th November 2017 i.e. the date […]
Question 1: Is that compulsory to file gstr-1A even there is no corrections and where GSTR 1 already filled? Answer: GSTR-1A is auto-populated from GSTR-2A. Procedure for filing of GSTR-2 and 3 has been kept in abeyance for the time being Special session by GST policy wing’s officers to address queries of all stake holders […]
In this article we are going to see the changes in GST tax rates of Restaurants and impact of the same on our food bills i.e., moreover on our Stomachs. The GST Council in its 23rd Meeting held at Guwahati on 10th of November,2017 recommended key changes in Tax rates and one of the most important one is cutoff in tax rates on Restaurants and CBEC also issued the notifications for the same to give effect to the revised rates from 15th of November,2017.
Chapter I – Preliminary: 1. Whether GST law is applicable in J&K? Yes. CGST and IGST act were made applicable in J&K from 8th July, 2017 through respective ordinances. J&K GST Act was also passed and made applicable from this date (Act is on same lines as other State GST Acts). 2. Whether General Clauses […]