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Archive: 26 September 2016

Posts in 26 September 2016

Battle of Love for Money and Fear of Income Tax – IDS?

September 26, 2016 6637 Views 0 comment Print

Krishna, nowadays income tax department is conducting survey, raids, etc. almost everywhere. Because of this, confusion is arising among people. What is its intention? Please give details about it.

PPT on GST by CBEC [Full Powerpoint Presentation]

September 26, 2016 63475 Views 0 comment Print

CBEC has released a PPT on Goods and Service Tax (GST) and covered the following Topics :- Why GST :Perceived Benefits Existing Indirect Tax Structure Features Of Constitution Amendment Bill Features Of Proposed GST Model Features Of Draft GST Law GSTN Role Of CBEC Way Forward Download / Read PPT on GST by CBEC GST […]

Horrible- Is GST applicable on anything done for anyone irrespective of Consideration?

September 26, 2016 4627 Views 2 comments Print

Will anything and everything, done anywhere, for anybody, for business/no business, for money/without money will constitute supply under GST?? GST supply provisions are Draconian and against the interest of General Public and will cause a lot of confusion in the mind of people as well as tax practitioners.

Enhanced Supervision of Stock Brokers/Depository Participants

September 26, 2016 8908 Views 0 comment Print

SEBI constituted a committee on Enhanced Supervision of Stock Brokers which included representatives from Stock Exchanges, Depositories and Brokers. With a view to implement the recommendations, the guidelines as Annexed to this circular are being issued. These guidelines cover the following broad areas:

Implementation of Direct Tax Dispute Resolution Scheme, 2016- Reg

September 26, 2016 1366 Views 0 comment Print

Scheme provides for further relief in the following ways:(i) Tax payable would include tax & interest till the date of assessment. Interest accrued thereafter would not form part of tax payable.(ii) If and disputed tax is below Rs. 10 lakhs. penalty would stand waived on payment of tax & interest.(iii) Where the disputed tax is more than Rs. 10 lakhs, penalty of 75% would stand waived on payment of tax, interest and 25% of penalty levied/leviable.

Essentials of Valid Contract- Part III

September 26, 2016 7903 Views 0 comment Print

Section 23 of Indian Contract Act, 1872 specifies that the consideration or object of an agreement is lawful, unless – 1) it is forbidden by law; or 2) is of such nature that, if permitted it would defeat the provisions of any law or is fraudulent; or involves or implies, injury to the person or property of another; or

7 Harmful House-Hunting mistakes and how to avoid them

September 26, 2016 2905 Views 0 comment Print

Purchasing a house is a very significant decision in one’s life, and tends to have numerous implications depending on an individual. Therefore, when taking such a big decision in one’s life it is very crucial to keep your emotions controlled, to help you settle upon the most rational choices possible.

6 investment mistakes to avoid for successful & profitable trading

September 26, 2016 2707 Views 0 comment Print

There are a certain traits that you could observe clearly in every investor who is successful in their stock market adventures and the most important aspect they focus on is to avoid certain mistakes that take them only towards destruction and losses. So if you too are looking for a few tips that could keep […]

How To Tide over A Financial Crisis

September 26, 2016 2314 Views 0 comment Print

A crisis situation like death of the earning head of a family, accident or serious illness can put you in a serious financial mess. You may need some emergency funds to take care of your family members until your family get out this mess. One thing you can do at this time is apply for personal loan. A personal loan is safe enough to get you and your family back on track.

Reverse Charge under GST Law

September 26, 2016 67378 Views 8 comments Print

At present Reverse charge is not there on Goods except in few states like Punjab where Purchase tax is there on certain Goods. VAT is payable on sales by the seller of Goods but the payment of VAT in the hands of the purchaser (registered dealer) on purchase of goods from an unregistered dealer.

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