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Archive: 04 May 2016

Posts in 04 May 2016

Capital Gain cannot be taxed in absence of Transfer in Relevant Assessment Year

May 4, 2016 945 Views 0 comment Print

A perusal of the agreement and the above undisputed facts shows that till date no transfer of the property in question has been completed under the Transfer of Property Act, 1882. Still further, the registered sale deed has not been executed by the assessee in favour of the Bank and consequently, sale is not yet completed.

All about Transmission of Shares

May 4, 2016 42142 Views 6 comments Print

Transmission of shares is a process by operation of law where under the Shares are registered in a Company in the name of deceased person or an insolvent person are registered in the name of his legal heirs by the Company on proof of death or insolvency as the case may be.

High Level Committee Report on CSR Compliance

May 4, 2016 3598 Views 1 comment Print

Major recommendations of the Committee include, inter-alia, the following: It would be desirable to conduct a review of the CSR provision of the Act after three years. Ceiling on administrative overhead cost should be increased from 5% to not more than 10% of the CSR expenditure. Definition of the term “net profit” used under the Act and Rules need to be clarified

MLM/ Ponzi Schmes- Status of Action against 187 Companies

May 4, 2016 3514 Views 1 comment Print

MCA has ordered investigations through SFIO U/s. 235 of the Companies Act, 1956 and Section 212 of Companies Act, 2013 into affairs of 187 companies (as on 13-04-2016) against whom complaints had been received regarding alleged collection of funds through MLM/ Ponzi activities from the people in different States of the country.

Govt. launches EXIM Analytics Dashboard

May 4, 2016 2041 Views 0 comment Print

As part of the initiative of the Ministry of Commerce & Industry to provide easy access to the public on export and import trends of India the Minister of State for Commerce & Industry (I/C) Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman launched here today a dashboard on EXIM Analytics. This is a portal developed by the Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics, at the instance of the Ministry.

Investment Policy, Liquid Assets for Calculation of Net Worth of a Clearing Corporation & Profit Transfer

May 4, 2016 1270 Views 0 comment Print

SEBI notified Securities Contracts (Regulation) (Stock Exchanges and Clearing Corporations) Regulations, 2012, (hereinafter referred to as ‘SECC’ Regulations, 2012) on June 20, 2012 to regulate recognition, ownership and governance in Stock Exchanges and Clearing Corporations.

Guidance Note on Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2016

May 4, 2016 53830 Views 0 comment Print

The Auditing and Assurance Standards Board of ICAI has brought out Guidance Note on the Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2016 for the benefit of the members. The Guidance Note was initially developed by three expert groups constituted by the Board for this purpose and thereafter finalised with the contribution of all the members of the Board and the Council.

Notification No. 63/2016-Customs (N.T.), dated 4th May, 2016

May 4, 2016 2611 Views 0 comment Print

CBEC hereby appoints Commissioner of Customs, Nhava Sheva-IV, Mumbai Zone-II, Jawaharlal Nehru Custom House, Taluka-Uran, District-Raigad (Maharashtra) to act as a Common Adjudicating Authority to exercise the powers and discharge the duties conferred or imposed on the officers mentioned in Column (4), in respect of the show cause notices mentioned in Column (3) of Table for the purpose of adjudication thereof

Notification No. 62/2016-Customs (N.T.), dated 4th May, 2016

May 4, 2016 1204 Views 0 comment Print

CBEC hereby appoints Commissioner of Customs, Nhava Sheva-IV, Mumbai Zone-II, Jawaharlal Nehru Custom House, Taluka-Uran, District-Raigad (Maharashtra) to act as a Common Adjudicating Authority to exercise powers and discharge duties conferred or imposed on officers mentioned in column (3) of Table below in respect of cases mentioned in column (2) of the Table for purpose of adjudication of show cause notices mentioned herein, namely:-

Notification No. 61/2016-Customs (N.T.), dated: 04.05.2016

May 4, 2016 1111 Views 0 comment Print

Central Board of Excise and Customs hereby appoints the Additional Director General(Adjudication), Directorate of Revenue Intelligence, Delhi to act as a Common Adjudicating Authority to exercise the powers and discharge the duties conferred or imposed on the officers mentioned in Column (4) of the Table, in respect of the show cause notices mentioned in Column (3) of the Table given below for the purpose of adjudication thereof

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