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Archive: 07 April 2016

Posts in 07 April 2016

Responding to Tenders- ICAI guideline for members

April 7, 2016 10642 Views 1 comment Print

In the exclusive areas of practice of Chartered Accountants, like audit and attestation services i.e. those areas where the assignments can be performed only by Chartered Accountants or where only Chartered Accountants have been invited for audit assignments, members should not respond to such tenders

Key highlights of Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2016

April 7, 2016 19915 Views 2 comments Print

On March 16, 2016, a Bill to further amend the Companies Act, 2013 was introduced in the Lok Sabha (Upper House of the Parliament) to address the difficulties raised by various stakeholders and to improve the ease of doing business in India. This Bill proposes over 70 amendments. Some of the key amendments are listed below:

Law of Alternate Directorship and proposed amendments

April 7, 2016 9949 Views 1 comment Print

Before one analyases the provisions in the Companies Act 2013 relating to alternate director, { Sub section {2} of section 161 of the Companies Act 2013}, it is to be understood that appointment of alternate director in place of absentee original director is a business decision of the Board of Directors of a company. It is not madatory that alternate ditector has to be appointed. There can be many cases where in spite of one or more directors being absent for long periods, no alternate director/s is/are appointed.

Waive additional fees due to difficulties in accessing MCA portal

April 7, 2016 2395 Views 0 comment Print

THE INSTITUTION OF Company Secretaries of India IN PURSUIT OF PROFESSIONAL EXCELLENCE Statutory body under an Act of Parliament MCA: 2016    Dated: April 07, 2016 Mr. K.V.R. Murthy Joint Secretary Ministry of Corporate Affairs Shastri Bhawan New Delhi- 110001 Dear Sir, Sub: Difficulties in accessing the MCA Portal and filing of e-forms This is in […]

Secretarial Audit limit wef FY 2016-17 and FAQs on the same

April 7, 2016 6841 Views 0 comment Print

 The Council of the Institute of Company Secretaries has recently reviewed the existing limits in respect of issuance of the issue of Secretarial Audit Reports and has decided as below: 10 Secretarial Audits per partner/ PCS, and an additional limit of 5 secretarial audits per partner/PCS in case the unit is peer reviewed. These limits […]

Technical services denote services for special needs of Customer: SC

April 7, 2016 4519 Views 0 comment Print

Supreme Court held that ‘technical services’ under Section 194J read with Explanation 2 to Section 9(1)(vii) of Income Tax Act, 1961 denote services to cater to the special needs of the consumer/user, rather not a facility / service offered to all.

Assessee not obliged to provide a facility for conducting survey unless asked for

April 7, 2016 2230 Views 0 comment Print

ITAT Amritsar Bench in an interesting decision of Smt. Kailash Devi ITA 347/ASR/ 2015 pronounced on 05-04-2016 on conduct of survey had an occasion to ponder over the obligations cast upon Income Tax Authorities under the law. Often assessee and income tax authorities are at logger-heads for assessee not acting as “required” but before authorities allege the assessee for not doing his part of obligation, a line has to be drawn from where assesse’s part of obligations commence, because it is easy to tell a person how best to carry his pack until the burden is on one’s own back.

Best Investment plans in India for Middle Class

April 7, 2016 20167 Views 0 comment Print

A major portion of the Indian population comes under the middle class category. The middle class people in India are mostly educated and aspirational.  They want to have a financially secured life with an aim for wealth creation at the same time. This mentality of the middle class has led to a rapid growth in […]

Download e-filing Utility for ITR 2, ITR 2A & ITR 3 for AY 2016-17

April 7, 2016 20710 Views 1 comment Print

Income Tax Department has released on 03/04/2016 Excel Utility of ITR 1 and ITR 4S for AY 2016-17 for e-filing and now they have released todayExcel  e-filing utility for ITR 2, ITR 2A and ITR 3 for AY 2016-17. Other ITR are also expected to be released soon. Department has also released JAVA utility of […]

ICAI Hosts Admit Cards for May 2016 Examination

April 7, 2016 4024 Views 0 comment Print

Admit Cards for May 2016 Examination – (07-04-2016) Admit cards April 7th, 2016 Admit cards in respect of candidates admitted to the Intermediate (IPC) and Final May 2016 examination, with their photographs and signatures on them, are hosted on www.icai.nic.in. Candidates may print their admit cards from the said website. For downloading/printing of the admit […]

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