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Archive: 12 June 2012

Posts in 12 June 2012

Telecom Infra Service Providers are eligible to procure goods against Form ‘C’

June 12, 2012 1308 Views 0 comment Print

Telecom Infrastructure Service Providers – Entitled to procure goods against ‘C’ Forms at concessional rate of CST @2% – Goods purchased are used in the telecommunication network and therefore covered by Section (1) and 8(3)(b) of the CST Act – Petitions allowed – Penalties levied on the appellants set aside.

RBI – Banks needs to identify owners of unclaimed deposits/inoperative accounts

June 12, 2012 790 Views 0 comment Print

Banks have not been pro-active in tracing customers linked with unclaimed deposits/inoperative accounts. Also, the need to identify the owners of these unclaimed deposits/inoperative accounts is closely linked to KYC due diligence. Therefore, in terms of our circular RPCD.No.RRB. RCB.BC.58/03.05.033/2011-12 dated February 8, 2012 State and Central Co-operative Banks / Regional Rural Banks were advised that they should display the list of unclaimed deposits/inoperative accounts which are inactive/ inoperative for ten years or more on their respective websites by June 30, 2012. The list so displayed on the websites must contain only the names of the account holder(s) and his/her address in respect of unclaimed deposits/inoperative accounts, etc.

Clarification on Investor Education And Protection Fund (Uploading Of Information Regarding Unpaid And Unclaimed Amounts Lying With Companies) Rules, 2012

June 12, 2012 1166 Views 0 comment Print

(a) As per new rule 3 of Investor Education and Protection Fund (Uploading of information regarding unpaid and unclaimed amounts lying with companies) Rules, 2012, return is to be filed in form 5 INV. However, it is not clear what is the cut-off date for it? – Ans. The cut-off date refers to the date of AGM upto which the information relating to a particular year is to be updated and then filed. For example, for the financial year ended 31-3-2012, where date of AGM is 30-9-2012, the complete information regarding unpaid and unclaimed amounts has to be updated till the date of AGM i.e. upto 30-9-2012 and then this information is to be filed through e-form 5 INV within 90 days of the date of AGM i.e. by 29-12-2012.

Comments invited on Proposed Qualification Bridging Mechanism for Licensing Overseas Citizens of India holding COP as CA

June 12, 2012 370 Views 0 comment Print

The Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs vide notification dated 6th January, 2009 announced certain benefits for registered Overseas Citizens of India (OCIs), including in the profession of Chartered Accountants. Subsequently, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has proposed a Qualification Bridging Mechanism for licensing OCI Chartered Accountants to practice in India.

Custom Notification No. 39/2012-Customs, Dated: 12.06.2012

June 12, 2012 1195 Views 0 comment Print

Notification No. 39/2012-Customs following amendments in the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), No. 12/2012-Customs, dated the 17th March, 2012 which was published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, vide G.S.R. 185(E) dated the 17th March, 2012, namely: –

FM to review Annual Performance of Public Sector Insurance Companies tomorrow

June 12, 2012 892 Views 0 comment Print

The Union Finance Minister Shri Pranab Mukherjee will review the annual performance of Public Sector Insurance Companies during his meeting with the Chief Executive Officers of Public sector insurance companies, here tomorrow. The focus of review by the Finance Minister will be to have a business strategy for 2012-13 onwards in a manner that there is healthy balance between the growth and long-term business sustainability as well as providing accessibility of insurance coverage in unserved areas. Besides it, the review will also focus on business process re-engineering so as to ensure that service delivery, including policy renewals and claim settlement as well as grievance redressal becomes more customer/ policyholder-friendly. Emphasis will also be to widen the coverage under agriculture insurance by bringing in all loanee farmers as well as non-loanee farmers under the ambit of agriculture insurance.

What is the right amount of life insurance?

June 12, 2012 3508 Views 0 comment Print

While the decision to buy life insurance may seem simple and straightforward, the biggest decision for most first-time insurance buyers should be ‘how much’ rather than ‘why’. The amount of cover matters even more for buyers who have dependants: too little will place these family members under pressure in unforeseen circumstances.

I-T – Amendments to Finance Bill, 2012 vide Finance Act, 2012 -Explanation

June 12, 2012 12889 Views 0 comment Print

Circular no. 3/2012-Income Tax The Finance Bill, 2012 was introduced in Parliament on 16-3-2012. Certain official amendments have been carried out during the passage of the Bill in Parliament. A gist of the official amendments to the Finance Bill, 2012 as reflected in the Finance Act, 2012 (Act No. 23 of 2012) enacted on 28-5-2012, are as under. The clauses of the Finance Bill, 2012 have been renumbered during the passage of the Finance Act, 2012 in Parliament. The clauses referred to in this document, unless otherwise stated, are those as they appear in the Finance Act, 2012.

Value of Works Contract Service w.e.f. 1st July, 2012

June 12, 2012 16984 Views 10 comments Print

With the issuance of Notification No. 18-ST dated- 1st June, 2012, it had been decided by the Central Government that Section 65 (containing definitions including that of taxable Services) of the Finance Act, 1994 will not be in effect from 1st June, 2012.

S. 254 prescribes time limit of 4 years from the date of order for rectification of a mistake apparent from record

June 12, 2012 2511 Views 0 comment Print

Where larger bench of SC overrules its earlier decision on which Tribunal relied on, Tribunal can rectify that – Clearly, a time limit of four years from the date of the order has been prescribed in respect of the exercise of the power of rectification of a mistake apparent from the record. There is absolutely no doubt that had an appeal or other proceeding been pending in respect of the order of the Tribunal in this case, when the decision in Gold Coin (supra) was rendered, that decision would have to be followed. But, as it happens, no appeal or other proceeding was pending. However, the period of four years stipulated in Section 254(2) had not elapsed. Thus, in our view, once we recognize the fact that the Supreme Court decision in Gold Coin (supra) operates retrospectively and therefore it has to be regarded as the law as it existed when the order was passed by Tribunal,

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