Rajasthan High Court directed to recount votes after considering these postal ballots. Now, see whether recounting is also required for Regional Council votes as well as other constituencies.
Explore the Delhi High Court verdict on the Chief Justice of India’s office under RTI Act. While notes, jottings, and draft judgements are exempt, concerns about transparency linger. Learn more about the implications and nuances.
The government also ordered it to hear cases that the MRTPC had failed to resolve when it was wound up last year. The government has expanded the mandate of a tribunal, which has been hearing pending cases of restrictive trade practices, to include cases of unfair trade practices and compensation from 18 January, said an official working for the judicial panel.
In terms of the decision taken by the Council of the Institute at its 260th meeting held in June 2006, the following Standard onInternal Audit shall be re-commendatory in nature in the initial period. The Standard shall become mandatory from such date as may be notified by the Council in this regard.
Finance Minister, Shri Pranab Mukherjee held a pre-Budget meeting with the Finance Ministers of States and Union Territories, here today to deliberate on issues that would have a bearing on the annual Budget for 2010-11. In his inaugural speech, Shri Mukherjee said that this meeting is a unique exercise and provides valuable input s to Finance Minister to formulate General Budget and expressed hope that this meeting with the Finance Ministers of States becomes an annual feature.
The result of the Information Systems Audit [ISA] Assessment Test held on 19th December, 2009 is likely to be declared on 17th January, 2010 around 2.00 PM at the Institute’s office at New Delhi.