Export of above processed and/or value added agricultural products will be exempted from any restriction / ban even in the event of restriction / ban on the export of basic farm produce.
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 31A of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002 (Mah. IX of 2005), the Government of Maharashtra hereby, with effect from the 15 th February 2013.
A module was developed on the national website www.incometaxindia.gov.in and was made available to the CCsIT (CCA) for uploading of Exempted Institution data, while many CCsIT (CCA) has already uploaded data into the module for use by the general public, some of the CCsIT (CCA) are facing difficulty in uploading their huge back log of data. In view of this a multiuser uploading facility is now allowed on the said module.
Notification No. 8/2013 – Income Tax FORM NO. 10BC [See rule 17CA] Audit report under (sub-rule (12) of rule 17CA) of the Income-tax Rules, 1962, in the case of an electoral trust. Rule 17CA. Functions of electoral trusts. (1) The functions of an electoral trust referred to in section 13B shall be as provided in this rule.
Central Government hereby amends with immediate effect Foreign Trade Policy, 2009-2014 (RE 2012) and introduces a new para 4A.16A for setting up of Private/Public Bonded Warehouses for Gems and Jewellery sector.
Notification No. 9/2013 – Income Tax In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (22AAA) of section 2 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Central Government hereby makes the following scheme for approval of electoral trusts, namely:-
Kind attention is drawn to the above mentioned subject. For the A.Y. 2012-13 e-filed returns cases till 22nd Jan. 2013, where refund is likely to be > = Rs. 10 lakhs are 28,444 in number, which are currently pending for processing at CPC. These ITRs are categorized as under :
As announced today by the Governor in the Third Quarter Review of the Monetary Policy 2012-13, it has been decided to reduce the Repo rate under the Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF) by 25 basis points from 8.00 per cent to 7.75 per cent with immediate effect.
As set out in the Reserve Bank’s Press Release 2012-2013/1267 dated January 29, 2013, it has been decided to reduce the Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) of Scheduled Commercial Banks by 25 basis points from 4.25 per cent to 4.00 per cent of their Net Demand and Time Liabilities (NDTL
Banks may transfer existing accounts at the transferor branch to the transferee branch without insisting on fresh proof of address and on the basis of a self-declaration from the account holder about his/her current address, subject to submitting proof of address within a period of six months.