It is to inform that, the dealers, while applying for new registration with the Department of Trade & Taxes, are required to provide the details of the main bank account as a mandatory provision.
Notification No. 82/2013 – Income Tax (b) authorises the Commissioner of Income-tax referred to in this notification to issue orders in writing for the exercise of the powers and performance of the functions, including powers under Chapters XVII-B and XVII-BB of the said Act, by the Additional Commissioners or Joint Commissioners of Income-tax, who are subordinate to him, in respect of such persons or classes of persons or of such income or classes of income or of such cases or classes of cases specified in the corresponding entry in column (4) of the said Schedule;
In respect of Class 1 Certificate, in case the subscriber does not wish to procure a Cryptographic device, the corresponding risk should be made known to the subscriber and an undertaking taken from him/her to the effect that he/she is aware of the risks associated with storing private Key(s) on a device other than a FIPS 140-1/2 validated cryptographic module.
Government of Andhra Pradesh/DRI shall finalize the modalities including allocation of quantities to various entities, as applicable, for export of the respective quantities within 6 months of issue of this notification and such export must be completed within 6 months thereafter. The whole process of export shall be completed latest by 31st October, 2014.
Notification No. 298/2013 – Income Tax (1) Fifteen years standing at the Bar. In calculating the 15 years standing at the Bar, services rendered as Judicial Officer shall be taken into consideration; (2) Annual declared gross income from profession should not be less than Rs.7,00,000/- for the past three years and should be an income tax assessee for 10 years preceding the date of consideration;
The import of new vehicles shall be permitted only through the Customs port at Nhava Sheva, Kolkata, Chennai, Chennai Airport, Cochin, ICD Tughlakabad and Delhi Air Cargo, Mumbai Port and Mumbai Air Cargo Complex, ICD Talegaon Pune, ICD Faridabad and Ennore Port.
Maharashtra Government has vide Notification No. No IPA. 2012/329/CR 59/Desk-1 Dated 25.09.2013 has doubled the fees for partnership related issues. Revised rates are as follows :-
I have been directed to inform you that in pursuance to the decision of Full Board and minutes of the meeting dated 21/08/2013, the CPC is allowed to issue refunds without adjustment of demand as an interim measure in cases where either the outstanding demand against the assessee was less than Rs. 5000/- or claim of refund was less than Rs 5000/-
I have been directed to inform that a number of e-Returns have been submitted for AY 2013-14 where unpaid self-assessment-tax existed on the date of submission of e-returns. As on 09-Oct-2013, total 1,46,495 e-Returns of AY 2013-14 were submitted with unpaid selfassessment-tax of Rs. 100/- or more on the date of filing.
Services provided in relation to serving of food or beverages by a canteen having the facility of air-conditioning or central air-heating at any time during the year maintained in a factory covered under the Factories Act, 1948 will be exempt from levy of service tax.