STRs constitute a strategically important source of information for Income Tax department. In the last few years the number of STRs has grown tremendously and is growing further. The department has not been able to investigate all STRs promptly.
1. (1) These rules may be called the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Amendment Rules, 2014. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. In the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014, in rule 4, in sub-rule (6), after the words but such expenditure the words and comma including expenditure on administrative overheads, shall be inserted.
As directed by the Bombay High Court, Regional Rural Banks and State / Central Cooperative Banks are hereby advised to ensure that accounts of all student beneficiaries under the various Central/State Government Scholarship Schemes are free from restrictions of ‘minimum balance’ and ‘total credit limit’.
It has been decided that the upper age limit for MD & CEO and other WTDs of banks in the private sector should be 70 years, i.e. beyond which nobody should continue in the post. Within the overall limit of 70 years, individual bank’s Boards are free to prescribe a lower retirement age for the WTDs, including the MD & CEO, as an internal policy.
While dealing with wilful default of a single borrowing company in a Group, the banks /FIs should consider the track record of the individual company, with reference to its repayment performance to its lenders. However, in cases where guarantees furnished by the companies within the Group on behalf of the wilfully defaulting units are not honoured when invoked by the banks /FIs, such Group companies should also be reckoned as wilful defaulters
Notification No. 42/2014-Income Tax S.O. (E).- Whereas, an Agreement between the Government of the Republic of India and the Royal Government of Bhutan for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income was signed in India on the 4th day of March, 2013 (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement)
There may be instances where the customer has given a mandate for crediting dividend on shares to Savings Bank account and there are no other operations in the Savings Bank account. Some doubts have arisen whether such an account is to be treated as inoperative account after two years.
It is, therefore, advised that banks should clearly delineate the procedure for disposal of loan proposals, with appropriate timelines, and institute a suitable monitoring mechanism for reviewing applications pending beyond the specified period. It is, however, reiterated that there should not be any compromise on due diligence requirements. Banks may also make suitable disclosures on the timelines for conveying credit decisions through their websites, notice-boards, product literature, etc.
Government of India Ministry Of Finance Department Of revenue Central Bord Of Direct Taxes Notification No. 41/2014 Dated : 29.08.2014 Download Full Text of The Notification Read Notification Below
MCA has further amended Schedule II of the Companies Act 2013 with regards to useful life, residual value and component accounting. With regards useful life and residual value the revised requirements are; The useful life of an asset shall not ordinarily be different from the useful life specified in Part C and the residual value of an asset shall not be more than five per cent. of the original cost of the asset: