Effect of this Notification: Hereafter, there is no requirement for ‘recommendation from DGCA’ for import of reconditioned / second hand aircraft parts.
Notification No. 93/2015 – Income Tax G.S.R. 978(E) dated 16th December, 2015 A CA certificate in Form No. 15CB will be required to be furnished only in respect of such payments made to non-residents which are chargeable to tax and the amount of payment during the year exceeds Rs. 5 lakh. No Form 15CA and 15CB will be required to be furnished by an individual for remittance which do not requiring RBI approval under its Liberalised Remmittace Scheme (LRS)
S.O. 3388(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section 1 of the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2015 (21 of 2015), the Central Government hereby appoints the 14th day of December, 2015 as the date on which the provisions of section 13 and 14 of the said Act shall come into force.
6A. Omnibus approval for related party transactions on annual basis.- All related party transactions shall require approval of the Audit Committee and the Audit Committee may make omnibus approval for related party transactions proposed to be entered into by the company subject to the following conditions, namely:-
13. Reporting of frauds by auditor and other matters: (1) lf an auditor of a company, in the course of the performance of his duties as statutory auditor, has reason to believe that an offence of fraud, which involves or is expected to involve individually an amount of rupees one crore or above, is being or has been committed against the company by its officers or employees, the auditor shall report the matter to the Central Government.
Notification No. 57/2015 – Customs Seeks to further amend Notification No. 69/2011-Customs, dated 29th July, 2011 so as to provide a concessional rate of basic customs duty in respect of tariff item 84082020 [engines of a kind used for the propulsion of motor vehicles – of cylinder capacity exceeding 250 cc] and 87084000 [gear box and parts thereof, of motor vehicles], w.e.f. 1st of January, 2016 at 5.94% and 8.13%, respectively, when imported under the India-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IJCEPA)
Notification No. 92/2015 – Income Tax Statement under sub-section (7) of section 115UB. 12CB.(1) The statement of income paid or credited by an investment fund to its unit holder shall be furnished by the person responsible for crediting or making payment of the income on behalf of an investment fund and the investment fund to the- (i) unit holder by 30th day of June of the financial year following the previous year during which the income is paid or credited in Form No. 64C, duly verified by the person paying or crediting the income on behalf of the investment fund in the manner indicated therein; and
Notification No. 26/2015-20 The Minimum Export Price (MEP) for export of all varieties of onions as described above is revised from US$ 700 F.O.B. per MT to US$ 400 F.O.B. per MT.
NOTIFICATION No. 56/2015-Customs In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 25 of the Customs Act, 1962 (52 of 1962), the Central Government, on being satisfied that it is necessary in the public interest so to do, hereby makes the following further amendment in the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), No.39/96-Customs, dated the 23rd July, 1996, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, vide number G.S.R. 291(E), dated the 23rd July, 1996, namely:-
For all Service Tax assessees in the State of Tamil Nadu, the date for payment of Service Tax for November 2015 is extended to 20th December 2015 vide Notification No. 26/2015-Service Tax dated 09th December 2015.