Hazardous waste (including substances containing or contaminated with such hazardous wastes) as specified in Schedule VI of Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016 shall be ‘Prohibited’ for imports, notwithstanding anything contained in this ITC (HS).
Application forms from investors will be received at branches during normal banking hours from July 18-22, 2016. Relevant additional details may be obtained from the applicants, where necessary. Receiving offices need to ensure that the application is complete in all respects.
The Reserve Bank of India, in consultation with the Government of India, has decided to issue fourth tranche of Sovereign Gold Bonds. Applications for the bond will be accepted from July 18, 2016 to July 22, 2016. The Bonds will be issued on August 5, 2016. The Bonds will be sold through banks, Stock Holding […]
The interest on the Gold Bond shall be taxable as per the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961). The capital gains tax arising on redemption of SGB to an individual has been exempted. The ‘indexation benefits will be provided to long term capital gains arising to any person on transfer of bond’
Seeks to further amend notification No. 12/2012-Customs, dated 17.03.2012 [S. No. 284A] so as to provide that the manufacturer or merchant-exporter, referred to therein, may also be registered with the Cotton Textiles Export Promotion Council(TEXPROCIL), in addition to Apparel Export Promotion Council or the Synthetic and Rayon Textile Export Promotion Council and may seek certification from any of the aforesaid bodies for the purposes of availing duty free import entitlement under the said entry.
A foreign portfolio investor shall ensure that any transfer of offshore derivative instruments issued by or on behalf of it, is made subject to the following conditions: (a) such offshore derivative instruments are transferred to persons subject to fulfilment of sub-regulation (1); and (b) prior consent of the foreign portfolio investor is obtained for such transfer,except when the persons to whom the offshore derivative instruments are to be transferred to are pre-approved by the foreign portfolio investor.
43A. (1) The top five hundred listed entities based on market capitalization (calculated as on March 31 of every financial year) shall formulate a dividend distribution policy which shall be disclosed in their annual reports and on their websites. (2) The dividend distribution policy shall include the following parameters:
Amendment to Master Direction on KYC – Operationalisation of Central KYC Registry (CKYCR) and KYC norms for Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs)- REs shall capture the KYC information for sharing with the CKYCR in the manner mentioned in the Rules, as required by the revised KYC templates prepared for ‘individuals’ and ‘Legal Entities’ as the case may be.
Co-operative banks which are fulfilling the following criteria as per their latest audited financial statements may raise LTDs without prior approval of the Reserve Bank of India subject to the condition that the outstanding amount of LTD
Attention of Authorised Dealer Category-I (AD Category-I) banks is invited to para no. 5 of the Master Direction No.8 dated January 01, 2016 on ‘Other Remittance Facilities’ in terms of which, AD Category-I banks