THE INSTITUTE OF Company Secretaries of India
Statutory body under an Act of Parliament ,
MCA:2015 November 23, 2015
Shri Tapan Ray
Secretary to Government of India
Ministry of Corporate Affairs
Shastri Bhawan
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Last date for filing of form MGT-7 (Annual Return); AOC-4 (financial Statement) under the Companies Act, 2013
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs vide its notification dated November 16, 2015 has substituted Form MGT-7 through the Companies (Management and Administration) Third Amendment Rules, 2015 replacing the form introduced earlier vide its notification dated August 28, 2015. Also MCA has vide notification dated September 4, 2015 brought Companies (Accounts) Second Amendment Rules, 2015 wherein Form AOC-4; Form AOC-4 CFS (consolidated financial statement) and AOC 4 (XBRL) made available for filing.
Earlier, keeping in view the request received from various stakeholders, the Ministry vide its circular 14/2015 dated October 28, 2015 had relaxed the additional fee payable on forms MGT- 7, AOC-4 and AOC-4 XBRL upto 30th November, 2015.
Sir, it is humbly submitted that filing of these forms i.e. MGT -7, AOC-4; AOC-4 CFS and AOC 4 (XBRL) be permitted till December 31, 2015, without additional fee, considering the practical difficulties, being faced by the stakeholders.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
(CS Atul Mehta) President
Headquarters ICSI House, 22, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110 003
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