M/s. Trans Border Safety Control Inspection Services LLC, USA was notified as Pre Shipment Inspection Agency vide Public Notice No. 34(RE: 2013)/2009-14 dated 29.10.2013. A Show Cause Notice (SCN) No. 01/53/171/214/AM16/PSIA-101/IC dated 3/6/2016 was issued to them for mis-declaration in the Pre-Shipment Inspection Certificate issued by them.
Kindly refer to the above subject. Directorate of Systems has processed non-PAN AIR transactions which resulted in identification of around 7 lakh high risk transaction clusters having around 14 lakh non-PAN AIR transactions. These transactions have been assigned priority rating P1 to P3 (P1 being the highest priority) and each non-PAN AIR transaction has been assigned a unique Transaction Sequence Number (TSN) for monitoring purposes.
Rule 6(2) of the Service Tax Rules, 1994 stipulate that while every assessee shall pay service tax electronically through internet banking, the jurisdictional Deputy/Assistant Commissioner, may, for reasons to be recorded in writing, allow the assessee to deposit service tax by any other mode.
Government has assessed the impact of Brexit on the Indian economy. Thus far, India has not only avoided adverse impacts, it has in fact emerged as a safe haven for investors around the world.
Petition for return of Stridhan to be filed in form of plaint; ad valorem court fee not payable on such petition, only fixed court fee of Rs. 40/- payable. 1. Present is an appeal under Section 19(1) of the Family Courts Act, 1984 assailing the legality and validity of the order passed by the Family […]
The President is pleased to appoint the following 196 Income Tax Officers, presently posted in the region shown against their names in the grade of Assistant Commissioner of Income Tax (ACIT) on ad hoc basis for the vacancy year 2015-16, in the pay scale of Rs. 15600-39, 100 (plus grade pay of Rs. 5400/- in pay band 3) with immediate effect
President is pleased to appoint the following 18 Income Tax Officers, presently posted in the region shown against their names in the grade of Assistant Commissioner of Income Tax (ACIT) on ad hoc basis for the vacancy year 2014-15, in the pay scale of Rs. 15600-39, 100 (plus grade pay of Rs. 5400/- in pay band 3) with immediate effect
Cartels are agreements between enterprises (including a person, a government department and association of persons / enterprises) not to compete on price, product (including goods and services) or customers. The objective of a cartel is to raise price above competitive levels, resulting in injury to consumers and to the economy. For the consumers, cartelisation results in higher prices, poor quality and less or no choice for goods or/and services.
The information can be filed on the issues like anti-competitive agreements and abuse of dominant position or a combination which causes or is likely to cause an appreciable adverse effect on competition in the markets in India.
The basic structure of the Guidance Note may include guidance on the Background/Introduction, Scope, Objective etc. so as to give the reader a brief idea of the topic for which the guidance is being provided. Thereafter, the descriptive narrative for the guidance may be followed. However, as the narrative related to the guidance on the topic is subject-specific, it should be left to the wisdom of the Committee concerned.