Company Law India: Read latest Company law news & updates, acts, circular, notifications & articles issued by MCA amendment in companies Act 2013. Article on Loans Company formation XBRL, Schedule VI IFRS.
Company Law : The process of striking off a private limited company refers to the removal of a company’s name from the Register of Compani...
Company Law : Appointment of other officer such as CTO, COO, and CMO as Key Managerial Personnel (KMP) under Companies Act, 2013 – Key Con...
Company Law : Private Limited Companies in India ought to observe annual filing necessities to keep transparency and prison standing. This artic...
Company Law : Cost audit and cost records serve as essential tools for achieving these objectives, enabling companies to monitor, control, an...
Company Law : Understand CSR in India, its applicability, permitted activities, non-permitted contributions, penalties for non-compliance, and r...
Company Law : 86% of Independent Director positions in CPSEs remain vacant. Govt follows a structured process for appointments through ministrie...
Company Law : In 2024, 16,798 companies were struck off under Section 248(2). No definition for shell companies exists under Companies Act, 2013...
Company Law : The Central Registration Centre processed 98,098 e-forms in 2025. Meerut saw 3,340 company registrations since 2016. Learn more ab...
Company Law : MCA21 portal sees 84 lakh filings in 2024-25; SMEs report technical issues. Govt enhances server capacity, grievance redressal, an...
Company Law : Government's approach to addressing corporate misconduct, strengthening investor protection, and promoting financial literacy th...
Company Law : NCLAT Delhi held that beneficiary under the personal guarantee is fully entitled to initiate Personal Insolvency Resolution Proces...
Company Law : When the corporate debtor failed to pay the outstanding power obligation, appellant subsequently cut off the electrical service. O...
Company Law : The plain reading of the above provisions of Section 60(5)(c) clearly indicates that the NCLT is empowered to adjudicate any quest...
Company Law : NCLAT Delhi quashes CIRP against Alcuris Healthcare, ruling profit-sharing disputes do not constitute operational debt under IBC. ...
Company Law : NCLAT dismisses appeals in Saturn Ventures case, upholding RP’s findings on asset ownership and rejecting fraudulent transaction...
Company Law : The appeal by Maptech Poly Products Pvt Ltd against a penalty for non-maintenance of its registered office was dismissed by the Re...
Company Law : Vishnupriya Hotels' appeal led to a penalty reduction for non-compliance with Section 149(3) of the Companies Act. The company pai...
Company Law : Vishnupriya Hotels appealed against CSR non-compliance penalties. The Regional Director reduced the fine after reviewing submissio...
Company Law : Konoria Plaschem faced penalties for failing to appoint an internal auditor from 2014-2020. The fine was reduced on appeal. Read t...
Company Law : Water & Sanitation (India) for Urban Poor failed to hold board meetings from 2011-2019, leading to penalties. The fine was later r...
Ministry of Corporate affairs has vide its General Circular No. 14/2012, dated 21-6-2012 imposed fees on various forms which were free of cost. One such form was E-form-23B which in an Intimation to ROC by statutory auditors regarding their appointment. So now fee shall be payable based on Authorised Capital of the Company. Additional fee provisions shall also apply in case of delay. It shall be applicable from 22nd July 2012.
e-Voting is voting through an electronic system where shareholders can vote on resolutions of companies requiring voting through Postal Ballot as per extant rules and regulations without having the necessity of sending their votes through post. Ministry of Corporate Affairs has authorised NSDL for setting up an electronic platform to facilitate shareholders to cast vote in electronic form. Accordingly, NSDL has set-up an electronic infrastructure to facilitate shareholders to cast votes in electronic form through internet.
In the instant case, admittedly, sale deed was executed in favour of the respondent-director in the year 1989, while purchasing the land on behalf of the company. The property was mortgaged by the respondent-director in his individual capacity. The parties also came to know about the property being in the name of the respondent-director, when the suit was filed and got settled by respondent-director by redeeming the property.
A company cannot, at the post-advertisement stage, disturb or unsettle the finality of a finding as to the indisputable nature of a debt rendered at the admission stage of a creditor’s winding up petition. Even though the decision at the admission stage is final as between the company and the petitioning-creditor, others connected with the company who come in after advertisements may question the finding and the Court may not feel constrained that it is bound by the finding.
Various companies, and professionals such as Cost Accountants, Chartered Accountants, & Company Secretaries, and other stakeholders from corporate sector are connected with the usage of product group classification. All are welcome to examine the draft and furnish comments/suggestions to this Ministry within a period of three weeks i.e. by 15th July, 2012 through email on the following e-mail address: –
In order to carry out e-filing on LLP you have facility to download the eform and fill it in an offline mode. Every form has the facility to pre-fill the data available in LLP system. Once the e-form is filled you would need to validate the e-form using Pre-scrutiny button. You would then have to affix the relevant digital signatures and save the form. You would need to be connected to the internet to carry out the pre-fill and pre-scrutiny functions.
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has notified that Investor Education and Protection Fund (Uploading of information regarding unpaid and unclaimed amounts lying with companies) Rules, 2012, has mandated every company to file e-Form 5INV containing the information of unclaimed and unpaid amounts as referred to in subsection (2) of section 205C of the Companies Act, 1956.
Imposing fees on certain e-forms filed with ROC, RD or MCA (HQ) under MCA-21 where at present no fee is prescribed – General Circular No. 14/2012, dated 21-6-2012 – The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has decided that fees shall be applicable on the following forms at the rates indicated in the table below:-
Reckitt Benckiser (India) Ltd. [122 (2005) DLT 612], albeit, in context of reduction of share capital. In that case also, the scheme of the reduction was such that many shareholders like the applicants in the instant case were deprivation of their shareholdings on payment of certain price. The Court took note of the general rule that it was the prescribed majority of the shareholders which is entitled to decide whether there should be a reduction in capital or not. After taking note of various judgments
Section 560, of the Companies Act, 1956, deals with strike off provisions of a defunct company. Any defunct company desirous to strike off its name from the register of Registrar of company can apply in Form FTE for strike off its name from the register maintained by ROC as per Guidelines for ‘FAST TRACK EXIT MODE’ issued vide General Circular No. 36/2011 dated 7.6.2011. Similarly, ROC has also power to strike off any defunct company after satisfying himself of the need to strike off a defunct company and has reasonable cause. But before passing any order in this regard, an opportunity of being heard must be provided to the defunct company by following the due procedure u/s 560.