Income Tax : Learn key updates in the New Income Tax Bill, 2025, effective April 2026. Covers tax year, compliance, deductions, international t...
Income Tax : Explore the proposed scheme for resolving unresolved tax demands, easing taxpayer burdens, and improving compliance through fair, ...
Income Tax : Bombay HC grants interim relief allowing taxpayers to claim Section 87A rebate for AY 2024-25. Revised ITR deadline extended to 15...
Income Tax : Learn about Form 12BAA, introduced for employers to credit TCS for employees, ensuring accurate TDS calculation and easing tax com...
Income Tax : Discover why paying taxes is crucial for national development and how it contributes to public services and infrastructure....
Income Tax : Explore the Finance Bill 2025 highlights, including revised tax rates, TDS/TCS amendments, ULIP taxation, and updated rules for sa...
Income Tax : India's tax arrears stand at ₹47 lakh crore as of Dec 2024. CBDT & CBIC are taking steps, including asset identification, litiga...
Income Tax : India decriminalizes minor direct tax offenses to ease compliance. New measures include litigation management, compounding guideli...
Corporate Law : CAG's audit highlights inefficiencies in recovering ₹8.5 lakh crore of outstanding income tax demands. Key issues: inflated dema...
CA, CS, CMA : Highlights from the Finance Ministry's 2024 initiatives, covering direct tax refunds, GST reforms, Customs updates, and India's FA...
Corporate Law : CAT directs CBDT to review transfer policies for Group B & C employees, ensuring fairness and alignment with Group A guidelines. D...
Income Tax : SC dismisses SLP in K R Jayaram's tax case due to low tax effect. Reassessment under Section 147 deemed invalid. Legal question re...
Income Tax : ITAT Delhi removes erroneous ₹19,253 double addition made by CPC in HPL Mercantile Pvt. Ltd. case. The amount was already includ...
Income Tax : ITAT Bangalore remands case concerning cash deposits during demonetization, directing the AO to re-assess the addition u/s 69A aft...
Income Tax : ITAT Delhi dismisses Revenue's appeal in ACIT vs Hindukush Construction Pvt. Ltd. (AY 2016-17) due to low tax effect under CBDT Ci...
Goods and Services Tax : Key updates on Indian Customs, including trade facilitation, GST awareness, sports events, and major enforcement actions on tax ev...
Income Tax : CBDT extends the due date for filing Form 56F under Section 10AA(8) and 10A(5) of the Income-tax Act, 1961, to March 31, 2025, for...
Income Tax : CBDT authorizes data sharing with the Dept. of Food & Public Distribution to identify beneficiaries under PMGKAY as per Income-tax...
Income Tax : Circular No. 01/2025 outlines the application of the Principal Purpose Test (PPT) under India's Double Taxation Avoidance Agreemen...
Income Tax : The CAG's 2024 report on direct taxes highlights tax issues, recovery, and errors in corporate and income tax assessments, with co...
Chandana Ramachandran Commissioner of Income Tax ( LTU), Bangalore Ms Chandana Ramachandran belongs to the 1990 Batch of Indian Revenue Service, presently posted as the Commissioner of income Tax (Large Taxpayer Unit), Bangalore. She has served in various capacities in the department, her longest tenures being in the fields of Training, Transfer Pricing and […]
Ajai Das Mehrotra Pr. Chief Commissioner of Income Tax, Gujarat Sh.Ajai Das Mehrotra, is an IRS officer of 1984 batch and is currently posted as Principal Chief Commissioner of Income Tax, Gujrat. He had worked extensively in the field of Assessment, Investigation and other direct taxation fields. He had attended 49th National Defence College […]
The Tax Policy, which feels the pulse of the public and addresses their concerns while raising taxes for the Government is considered as the most progressive one. On the other hand, if it ignores the ground reality, it arouses adverse public sentiments.
On this 159th Income Tax Day, I extend my best wishes to each and every member of the Aaykar Parivar and their families. I feel honoured leading such a glorious and professional service, made even more special by the untiring contribution of each and every employee of the Department.
CBDT has been actively pursuing leads found in the actions taken against the J&K Bank and its erstwhile Chairman, Sh. Parvez Ahmad. In another such follow-up action, a search and seizure operation has been conducted on a Group that is in the business of providing security to business establishments and prominent individuals, as well as in running hotels in Jammu & Kashmir and other parts of the country.
Clarification on certain procedural and technical issues regarding the Income Disclosure Scheme, 2016 (IDS) under section 119 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 read with section 195 of the IDS -reg. F.No.225/ 282/ 2017/ITA.II Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Revenue Central Board of Direct Taxes (ITA. II) North Block, New Delhi, the 12th […]
Issues in respect of payment of third installment under the Income Declaration Scheme, 2016- clarification on certain procedural issues under section 195 of the Income Disclosure Scheme, 2016 read with section 119 of the Income-tax Act, 1961-reg.-
The Action Plan for 2018-19 was a comprehensively re-modeled plan that sought to address all the current priorities in a holistic manner. It laid special emphasis on a number of critical areas such as litigation management, improving quality in diverse areas of work and strengthening compliance and enforcement functions. The plan worked well and resulted in enhanced level of performance in all functions across the board.
In the context of Alternate Investment Funds (AIFs), references have been made to the Central Board of Direct Taxes (the Board) seeking clarity regarding taxability of income from investments made by the non-resident investor through these AIFs, outside India (off-shore investment).
The following steps, inter-alia have been taken by the Government to ensure corruption free tax administration in the country: i. Online system for internal whistle-blower has been put in place to get the vital feedback and complaints through department’s portal. ii. Reduction in human interface with tax payer with the introduction of higher digitization such as e-filing, e- assessment, e-appeal, e-nivaran.