Read all latest corporate law news, articles, notifications & circular on News on laws related to DIPP Labour Minimum Wages Gratuity PF Arbitration Negotiable instrument Essential Commodities SRFAESI Competition Act Corporate Law
Corporate Law : Learn the detailed process for registering a political party with the Election Commission of India, including required documents, ...
Corporate Law : The arrest of advocate Zafar Ali highlights the urgent need for the Advocate Protection Act to safeguard legal professionals again...
Corporate Law : Explore key AI and data privacy legal developments in India since 2024, including the DPDP Act, TRAI rules, court cases, and globa...
Corporate Law : BNSS aims to speed up justice in India, but are core issues like adjournments and judge shortages addressed? Explore the gaps and ...
Corporate Law : The study explores the types of foreign investments—Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Foreign Institutional Investment (FII), Ext...
Corporate Law : CAIT raises concerns about deceptive opinion trading platforms, urging action to prevent user harm and ensure compliance with IT R...
Corporate Law : Provisional list of audit firms of listed companies yet to file NFRA-2 for 2023-24. Filing deadline was 30.11.2024; fines apply fo...
Corporate Law : List of audit firms yet to file NFRA-2 for 2022-23. Filing deadline was 30.11.2023; penalties apply for non-compliance. Late submi...
Corporate Law : CCI investigated 35 cartels, signed MoUs with global regulators, introduced 'Lesser Penalty Plus,' and conducted 1,446 advocacy ev...
Corporate Law : NPS Vatsalya Scheme, launched on 18th September 2024, is a contributory pension plan aimed at fostering a fully pensioned society....
Corporate Law : Gujarat High Court allows condonation of delay in filing Form 10B for a charitable trust, overturning CIT order and directing tax ...
Corporate Law : The borrowers defaulted on loan repayment, prompting the petitioner to initiate proceedings under the SARFAESI Act. Physical posse...
Corporate Law : Madras High Court directs the Regional Passport Office to process Seeniselvam’s passport application despite a pending crimina...
Corporate Law : Karnataka High Court held that once the dispute is referred to the Labour Court or the Tribunal, the Government will have no power...
Corporate Law : Delhi High Court held that imposition of penalty under section 271DA of the Income Tax Act is justifiable since there is no inordi...
Corporate Law : Companies must report delayed payments over 45 days to MSMEs in a half-yearly return to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs under MS...
Corporate Law : IBBI issues disciplinary order against insolvency professional Umesh Poddar for delayed disclosures and auction process irregulari...
Corporate Law : RTI appeal seeking CIRP status and payment timeline of Future Supply Chain dismissed due to an 8-month delay beyond the deadline. ...
Corporate Law : Hinges (Quality Control) Order 2025 mandates Indian Standards compliance for hinges, with exemptions for exports and R&D. Effectiv...
Corporate Law : The Bhavishya portal is mandatory for processing central government pension cases since 2017, ensuring timely settlements per CCS ...
SEZ : Amendment to the Instruction No. 69 containing guidelines to regulate functioning of plastics/Used clothing units in SEZs INSTRUCTION NO. 74, DATED 31-12-2010 I am directed to refer to Instruction No. 69 dated 4th November, 2010 of this Department on the subject mentioned above. It has been decided to amend para 2(iii) of the […]
SEZ : Creation of Single Window Mechanism for granting various statutory approvals under Environmental and Regulation INSTRUCTION NO. 73, DATED 29-12-2010 The undersigned is directed to enclose a copy of D.O. letter No. 23-16/2009-HSMD, dated 23-11-2010 from Shri Rajiv Gauba, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forests along with a copy of minutes of meeting […]
The Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry has issued Instruction Nos. 65 and 66 on 27 October, 2010 and Nos. 67 and 68 on 28 October, 2010 to Development Commissioners (
The government is likely to usher in the New Year with some important policy reforms. Important foreign direct investment (FDI) policy announcements is likely to be made in January 2011, reports sources. It is learnt that FDI policy is likely to be
CIRCULAR NO. IRDA/F&A/CIR/217/12/2010, DATED 27-12-2010 Authority has observed that there is no uniform approach followed by the insurers for transfer of the surplus to the Profit & Loss Account. A few of the insurers are doing it on quarterly basis while a few are doing on yearly basis. In view of the same, it is […]
NOTIFICATION NO. G.S.R. 982(E), DATED 16-12-2010 In exercise of the powers conferred by section 55 of the Special Economic Zone Act, 2005 (28 of 2005), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Special Economic Zones Rules, 2006, namely:— 1. (i) These rules may be called the Special Economic Zones (Sixth […]
Disputes by business and other establishments on coverage of Employees State Insurance (ESI) and/or their clubbing would have to be raised before the appropriate ESI Court u/s 75 of the ESI Act, and petitions should not be preferred directly before t
The basic charter of Ministry of Corporate Affairs is to promote the growth of the Indian corporate sector through enlightened regulation. To enable formulation of enlightened regulations that provide a framework for the corporate sector and its stak
Section 11 of the Special Economic Zones Act, 2005 – Development Commissioner – Rescission of all previous notifications appointing Director, Software Technology Parks of India as Development Commissioner of IT & ITES SEZs NOTIFICATION (F.5/15/2010- SEZ), DATED 20-12-2010 In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 11 of the Special Economic Zones […]
ORDER NO. : IRDA/F&A/ORD/EMT/203/12/2010, DATED 8-12-2010 On the recommendation of the General Insurance Council vide letter dated November 22, 2010, the Authority hereby exercises powers vested under the proviso to section 40C(1) of the Insurance Act, 1938. In accordance therewith, the companies listed at Annexure shall be deemed to be not in violation of the […]