Company Law India: Read latest Company law news & updates, acts, circular, notifications & articles issued by MCA amendment in companies Act 2013. Article on Loans Company formation XBRL, Schedule VI IFRS.
Company Law : The process of striking off a private limited company refers to the removal of a company’s name from the Register of Compani...
Company Law : Appointment of other officer such as CTO, COO, and CMO as Key Managerial Personnel (KMP) under Companies Act, 2013 – Key Con...
Company Law : Private Limited Companies in India ought to observe annual filing necessities to keep transparency and prison standing. This artic...
Company Law : Cost audit and cost records serve as essential tools for achieving these objectives, enabling companies to monitor, control, an...
Company Law : Understand CSR in India, its applicability, permitted activities, non-permitted contributions, penalties for non-compliance, and r...
Company Law : 86% of Independent Director positions in CPSEs remain vacant. Govt follows a structured process for appointments through ministrie...
Company Law : In 2024, 16,798 companies were struck off under Section 248(2). No definition for shell companies exists under Companies Act, 2013...
Company Law : The Central Registration Centre processed 98,098 e-forms in 2025. Meerut saw 3,340 company registrations since 2016. Learn more ab...
Company Law : MCA21 portal sees 84 lakh filings in 2024-25; SMEs report technical issues. Govt enhances server capacity, grievance redressal, an...
Company Law : Government's approach to addressing corporate misconduct, strengthening investor protection, and promoting financial literacy th...
Company Law : NCLAT Delhi held that beneficiary under the personal guarantee is fully entitled to initiate Personal Insolvency Resolution Proces...
Company Law : When the corporate debtor failed to pay the outstanding power obligation, appellant subsequently cut off the electrical service. O...
Company Law : The plain reading of the above provisions of Section 60(5)(c) clearly indicates that the NCLT is empowered to adjudicate any quest...
Company Law : NCLAT Delhi quashes CIRP against Alcuris Healthcare, ruling profit-sharing disputes do not constitute operational debt under IBC. ...
Company Law : NCLAT dismisses appeals in Saturn Ventures case, upholding RP’s findings on asset ownership and rejecting fraudulent transaction...
Company Law : The appeal by Maptech Poly Products Pvt Ltd against a penalty for non-maintenance of its registered office was dismissed by the Re...
Company Law : Vishnupriya Hotels' appeal led to a penalty reduction for non-compliance with Section 149(3) of the Companies Act. The company pai...
Company Law : Vishnupriya Hotels appealed against CSR non-compliance penalties. The Regional Director reduced the fine after reviewing submissio...
Company Law : Konoria Plaschem faced penalties for failing to appoint an internal auditor from 2014-2020. The fine was reduced on appeal. Read t...
Company Law : Water & Sanitation (India) for Urban Poor failed to hold board meetings from 2011-2019, leading to penalties. The fine was later r...
It is noted that the allotment of 75000 shares to R-2 (73500) and 1500 share to R-3 is an afterthought done through manipulation. The petitioner’s contentions in this regard have not been met. Form 2 filed in this regard on 1-6-2005 is hereby cancelled, restricting the shareholdings as per Form 2 filed with the ROC on 11-5-2005.
The order of Sh. K.S.Mohi basically implements the resolution of DDCA dated 1.3.2007 and on which aspect I have already commented above that there is absolutely no resolution whatsoever dated 1.3.2007 and if even there is such a resolution, the same will be an illegal resolution because the same amounts to an amendment of the Memorandum of Association or Rules without prior sanction/approval of the Central Government as required under Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956, the license granted to the DDCA and as duly incorporated in Clause 4(vii) of the Memorandum of Association.Therefore, the order dated 12.4.2007 cannot bind the appellants/plaintiffs either on principle of res judicata or because there is no resolution dated 1.3.2007 of DDCA on which the order was passed, or on the ground even if there is a resolution dated 1.3.2007, the said resolution would be an illegal resolution in the absence of any prior sanction or approval from the Central Government.
CP No 18/07 stands disposed off in the above terms. All CAs stand disposed off. All interim orders stand vacated. No order as to cost. The B.O New Delhi, Bench to send a copy of this order to R-10 & R-11 at their new address at 207-Gaur Green Avenue, Abhay Khand-II, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, U.P.
If the requirements of Company Act and/or Accounting Standards are different from that of Revised Schedule VI, what is the treatment to be given? If requirements of a regulatory authority like RBI are different from that of Revised Schedule VI, what treatment should be given? Para 4.1.1 of the Revised Schedule VI necessitates that if compliance with the requirements of the Act and/or accounting standards requires a change in the treatment or disclosure in the financial statements, the requirements of the Act and/or accounting standards will prevail over the Schedule VI.
The Ministry had framed certain criteria for declaring a Financial Institution as PFI under section 4A, of the Companies Act, 1956 vide General Circular No. 34/2011 dated 2.6.2011. The issue has since been revisited and it has been decided that any Financial Institution applying for declaration as PFI shall fulfill the following criteria:-
There are various ways of converting a firm to a company, viz; slump sale, itemized sale, admitting the company as a partner, dissolution thereof and on dissolution, business being taken over by the company etc.,. Being a topic with a very vast ambit an attempt has been made hereinabove to briefly discuss two alternatives. In view of the choices available. Conversion should be made in a manner appropriate to a particular situation and in a way which is most beneficial.
In view of providing better services to its stakeholders and ensuring correctness of names approved through online mode (i.e. through STP mode without backend processing by RoC user), Ministry has decided to provide a facility for verification of such names by the RoC user on a real time basis for immediate action.
MCA adds another payment gateway through Union Bank of India for Credit Card and Internet Banking payments w.e.f. 20th May, 2012. For credit card payments, Union Bank of India shall be charging the transaction charge of 1.6% (plus applicable Government Charges) over and above the MCA statutory payment.
Reading of the judgment dated 07.7.2011 rendered in the earlier writ petition, it becomes clear that the petitioner had challenged the vires of Section 205A and 205C on the ground that these provisions were arbitrary and violative of Article 14 of the Constitution. It was also argued that these provisions could not be given retrospective effect. The petitioner had also submitted that huge corpus had accumulated in IEPF as unclaimed amount. All these contentions were taken note of and specifically rejected.
On requests received from various Corporates & Professionals and difficulties experienced by the stakeholders in filing Form No.8 and Form No.10 (for modification of charges under the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 (SARFESI), it has now been decided to accept filing of the followings Forms:-