SEBI NCS Regulations, 2021 has made in-principle approval of the Stock Exchange(s) mandatory for listing of non-convertible securities, whether issues under public issue or on private placement basis. [Regulation 6]
It is hereby instructed to all concerned that in cases of multiple requests made for change in CFS for particular bill of lading /consignments, the latest request for change of CFS shall be taken as final request.
Guidelines (SOP) for safely starting Schools with Classes 8th to 12th in the Greater Mumbai Municipal Corporation area for the academic year 2021-2022
Board of directors of the Company has received Letters from a constituent of promoters and promoter Group in the matter of Re-classification of their shareholding from Promoter category to Public Category. Stock exchanges shall permit reclassification of status of a promoter to public only upon compliance with the procedural requirements laid down under regulations 31A […]
Procedure for handling of assessment by Jurisdictional Assessing Officers in respect of assessments/penalties transferred out of Faceless Assessment u/s 144B(8) of the Income-tax Act,1961/Faceless Penalty Scheme, 2021 respectively. F. No.225/97/2021 /ITA-II | Dated: 6th September, 2021 F. No.225/97/2021 /ITA-II Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Revenue Central Board of Direct Taxes New Delhi, […]
Read IRDAI’s guidelines urging General Insurance Companies to expedite claims for July 2021 floods in Maharashtra. Steps, contacts, and awareness highlighted for efficient claim settlement.
As a result of recent flood there are reports of loss of human lives and loss of belongings in the state of Maharashtra. In order to extend every possible facilitation in quick and timely settlement of life insurance claims, you are advised to take the following actions immediately.
Functionalities built for Manual upload of Adjudication / Appeal Orders issued by State / Union Territory GST Authorities and Review of these Orders, are now available for use by officers in the review section of executive commissionerates.
Functionality built for Manual upload of Appeal Orders issued off line by Appellate Authority, is now available for use by the officers. This functionality is mainly built for review section of the commissionerates.
Functionalities built for Review of Appeal Order and filing of APL-07 by the Tax Department, are now available for use by officers in the review section of executive commissionerates.