Income Tax : Redundancy of Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT) in India's evolving tax landscape, focusing on its history, challenges & potential simpl...
Income Tax : Unveiling the intricacies of Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT) in India. Understand its purpose, computation, and recent developments. N...
Income Tax : MAT credit should be accounted in books as it satisfies definition of Asset as per Framework for preparation and presentation of F...
Income Tax : MAT stands for Minimum Alternate Tax and AMT stands for Alternate Minimum Tax. Initially the concept of MAT was introduced for com...
Company Law : MAT or minimum alternative tax refers to a tax paid to by a company in advance. We should note that companies must pay tax accordi...
Income Tax : In order to attract fresh investment in manufacturing and provide boost to 'Make-in India' initiative of the Government, another p...
Income Tax : The computation of book profit under section 115JB is a complicated and vexed issue with diverse interpretations possible on vario...
Income Tax : Relaxation in the provisions relating to levy of Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT) in case of companies against whom an application for ...
Income Tax : Relevant part of MAT-Ind AS Committee Report dated 17th June, 2017 containing recommendations regarding amendment to the provision...
Income Tax : Apex Industry body ASSOCHAM has advocated continuation of the exemption from MAT (Minimum Alternative Tax) by the insertion of a s...
Income Tax : The Supreme Court examined tax issues in Apollo Tyres Ltd. vs. CIT, including the role of assessing officers under Section 115-J a...
Income Tax : ITAT Chennai held that as capital profit are to be excluded while computing book profit u/s 115JB, similarly, the adjustment of lo...
Income Tax : ITAT Delhi held that penalty u/s 271(1)(c) of the Income Tax Act alleging inaccurate particulars not leviable as assessee was subj...
Income Tax : ITAT held that if advances received by the assessee from customers on which TDS Credits has been claimed, has been offered as inco...
Income Tax : PCIT-4 Vs Krishi Rasayan Exports Pvt. Ltd (Calcutta High Court) Whether the interest subsidy and excise refund would be treated as...
Income Tax : Representations have been received from the stakeholders seeking clarification on following issues relating to exercise of option ...
Income Tax : Details of the amount required to be increased or decreased in accordance with sub-section (2A) of section 115JB- [Applicable only...
Income Tax : Clarifications with FAQs on computation of book profit for the purposes of levy of Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT) under section 115JB...
Income Tax : CBDT press release on Issues arising from the implementation of Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT) provisions relating to Indian Accounti...
Income Tax : References are being received by the Board that in certain cases appellate authorities are dismissing appeals without going into t...
Last year’s budget had introduced an investment linked tax incentive for specified business including the business of laying and operating a cross country natural gas or crude or petroleum oil pipeline network for distribution, including storage facilities being an integral part of such network. One condition for availing this benefit was that not less than one–third of the total pipeline capacity is available for use on common carrier basis.
In addition to the Seven Central Government SEZs and 12 State/ Private Sector SEZs set up prior to the enactment of SEZ Act, 2005, formal approval have been accorded to 571 proposals out of which 348 SEZs have been notified. A total of 105 SEZs are already exporting.
Big corporations will now find it difficult to defer their advance tax payments. In a bid to meet its revenue collection targets, the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has decided to monitor advance tax payments by top companies and persuade them not to defer such payment as self-assessment tax for the next financial year.
The tax code comes in the economic background of over 400 million people being below the poverty line; with many areas disturbed due to underdevelopment; sustained policies of inclusive growth having reduced the poverty ratio but not absolute numbers; and a huge lack of infrastructure.
MAT – Making Companies slim Ms. Kareena Kapoor style Introduction: 1.0 The objective of new Direct Tax Code (DTC) as stated in the Discussion Paper (DP) published are broadening the base, minimize exemptions, horizontal and vertical equity etc. Since the proposed DTC touches all the aspects of taxation of income of all the types of […]
Chapter XIIB of the Income Tax Act, 1961 covers Minimum Alternate Tax U/s. 115JB, which covers cases under ‘Special Provision for Payment of tax by certain companies’.. The relevant extract of this section is produced below:
For Individuals and Hindu Undivided family The code proposes to exempt the general tax payer from paying income tax if his income is Rs 1,60,000 in a year. He would pay just zero tax till an income of Rs 1,60,000 per year. From income above Rs 1,60,000 till Rs 10 lakh (Rs 1 million), he […]
The applicant is a company incorporated in the United States and is a leading manufacturer of engineered bearings, alloys etc. The applicant has a significant shareholding in an Indian listed company, which was initially set up as joint venture with Tata Iron and Steel Company.
No changes made in the Corporate Tax rates. For the Limited Liability Partnerships, the provisions of Income Tax are the same as applicable in the case of Partnership Firms formed as per the Indian Partnership Act’ 1932.
Under the provisions of section 115JB of the Income-Tax Act, 1961 (the Act), where in the case of a company, the income-tax payable on the total income in respect of any assessment year (AY), is less than ten percent of its book profit, such book profit shall be deemed to be the total income of the assessee and tax payable by the assessee on such total income shall be the amount of income-tax at the rate of ten percent.