Income Tax : Discover the evolution of income tax in India, from ancient texts like Manusmriti to modern reforms, including changes in tax slab...
Income Tax : Discover the tax benefits for senior and very senior citizens for FY 2022-23, including higher exemption limits, interest deductio...
Income Tax : Article discusses Meaning of Cost Inflation Index (CII) which is used for Computation of Long Term Capital Gain. Cost Inflation in...
Income Tax : Explore the intricacies of capital gains on Joint Development Agreements (JDAs) and the exemption under Section 54 of the Income T...
Income Tax : Provisions of section 28 of Income Tax Act, 1961 specify income chargeable to income tax under ‘Profits and gains of business or...
Goods and Services Tax : TaxGuru, GST Professionals and Govt. of India (Ministry of M.S.M.E) announces its Online GST Course Covering whole Gamut of GST an...
CA, CS, CMA : We at Taxguru Wishes all our Readers, Staff, Panel Authors, Freelancers, Technical Support Team, Sales team, Editorial Team and Th...
CA, CS, CMA : In a series of attacks on Chartered Accountants latest is been alleged by A CA from Pune that he has been slapped by a Service Tax...
Income Tax : CA Sandeep Kanoi After protest from all over India partial extension by CBDT, Dr. Hasmukh Adhia who took over as Revenue Secretary...
Income Tax : In this article we have compiled the details of release of Schema of ITR Forms for AY 2015-16 , Schema of Forms (Other than ITR), ...
Income Tax : Hon'ble SC held that Making a claim which would prima facie disclose that the expenses in respect of which deduction has been clai...
Income Tax : It is not in dispute that the period during which interim stay of the order passed by the court is in operation has to be excluded...
Income Tax : The initial assessment year has been defined and the expression or' has been used in respect of new units by stating commences op...
Income Tax : Where no question was asked during statement recorded under section 132(4), in respect of manner of earning income surrendered, as...
Income Tax : We understand that in case of search, assessee is to comply with law and various declaration and formalities which certainly take ...
Income Tax : The Karnataka State Chartered Accountants Association ('KSCAA') has Fled a representation dated 15.09.2015 in Central board of Dir...
Income Tax : Vide its order dated 30.09.2015 CBDT has extended due date only for the state of Haryana, Punjab , Union Territory of Chandigarh a...
Income Tax : It has been brought to the notice of the Government that a fake order dated 26th September 2015 supposedly under section 119 of th...
Income Tax : Notification No. 32/2014-Income Tax Form of return of net wealth. — (1) The return of net wealth referred to in section 14 shall...
In order to boost entrepreneurship in India, the Startup India campaign was announced for the first time on 15th August 2015 by the Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi. However, the action plan of the Startup India Scheme was unveiled on 16th January 2016. Notably, Startup India Scheme is one of the flagship initiatives […]
Skill India Mission was launched by the Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi, on 15th July 2015. Mission was launched with an aim to provide training in different skills to around 40 crore people in India by 2022. Notably, as per the report, in 2014, India had only 2% of the formally skilled workforce. […]
Launched in December 2000, ‘Antyodaya Anna Yojana’ is a Government Scheme basically aimed to ensure food security amongst the poorest of the poor in India. The current article provides a short briefing on ‘Antyodaya Anna Yojana’ and explains the features; eligibility conditions and documents required for applying under ‘Antyodaya Anna Yojana’. Short briefing of the […]
Almost every citizen of India would be familiar with ‘Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana’ as it is one of the talked about and dream yojana of the Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi. With an aim to provide ‘Housing for All’, ‘Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana’ was introduced as a credit-linked subsidy scheme. Notably, ‘Pradhan Mantri […]
In 2007, the National Development Council, being concerned with the slow growth in the agriculture and allied sectors, launched the Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana. It is an umbrella scheme that ensures the complete development of agriculture and allied sectors/ services. Earlier 100% of the funding under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana was via Central Government Grant. […]
While addressing the nation, the Prime Minister of India on 31st December 2016 announced a scheme named ‘Pradhan Mantri Matritva Vandana Yojana’. The Scheme was introduced to benefit the pregnant women as well as the lactating mothers. Notably, ‘Pradhan Mantri Matritva Vandana Yojana’ was previously known as ‘Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana’. The ‘Pradhan Mantri […]
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana was launched on 25th September 2014. Notably, 25th September 2014 was celebrated as the 98th birth anniversary of Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya. The ‘Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana’ is shortly known as DDU-GKY. Importantly, DDU-GKY is a part of the National Rural Livelihood Mission. The vision of the DDU-GKY […]
On 1st May 2015, the Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi, launched the scheme, namely Unnat Jyoti by Affordable LEDs for All. While launching the Prime Minister specifically described the LED bulb as ‘Prakash Path’ i.e. a way to light. The scheme is also known as the LED-based Domestic Efficient Lighting Programme (i.e. DELP). […]
The present article covers all the basic topics one needs to know about e-Aadhaar Card like the benefits of e-Aadhaar card; information listed on an e-Aadhaar card; download of e-Aadhaar card; download of e-Aadhaar by name and birth date; masked Aadhaar card and download thereon and FAQs. Benefits of e-Aadhaar Card- Benefits of e-Aadhaar Card […]
NREGA is an abbreviation form of ‘National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005’. However, at the time of launching, the name of the Act was renamed to ‘Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act’, shortly known as MGNREGA. MGNREGA is applicable to rural areas of all the states of India except area which has a 100% […]