Income Tax : Depreciation is statutory deduction that allows businesses to set off cost of their tangible & intangible assets over their useful...
CA, CS, CMA : Learn the correct way to calculate and apportion depreciation using the Written Down Value method for accurate scrap value over an...
Income Tax : Explore allowable tax deductions for AY 2025-26, covering salaries, house property, business, and personal expenses. Maximize your...
Income Tax : Rates of depreciation applicable for income tax purposes from assessment year 2003-04 to 2025-26. This guide includes rates for ta...
Income Tax : Learn how to optimize corporate tax planning through depreciation. Explore key provisions, asset considerations, and methods for m...
Company Law : Key Features of Fixed Asset Management Tool with Depreciation Calculator for Companies ♦ Line wise SLM and WDV Depreciation as p...
Income Tax : Addressing the concerns raised by Agriculture Produce Market Committees (APMCs), it has been decided not to levy the 2% TDS on cas...
Income Tax : The proviso to section 32 provides that the aggregate deduction, in respect of depreciation of buildings, machinery, plant or furn...
Income Tax : It was a case where the statutory procedure mandated in section 144C had been attempted to be by passed by merely mentioning the n...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai held that the receipt from parking facilities is to be treated as business income instead of income from other sources...
Income Tax : Assessee being a subsidiary of M/s. Rajasthan State Mines and Minerals Ltd. (RSMML) (a Government of Rajasthan Undertaking). It en...
Income Tax : ITAT Rajkot remanded the matter as lower authority has not exercised their power to enquiry in section 131 and 133(6) of the Act t...
Income Tax : Punjab and Haryana High Court refused to de-freeze bank account of company alleged to have dishonestly induced individuals/ invest...
Income Tax : CBDT inserts new Income Tax Rule 8AC -Computation of short term capital gains and written down value under section 50 where deprec...
Income Tax : Income-tax (9th Amendment) Rules, 2019 – Additional depreciation on motor cars and motor vehicles shall be allowed in certai...
Income Tax : A reading of the agreement between STL and the assessee clarifies that a specific amount, i.e., Rs.9 Crores was paid by the assess...
Income Tax : Notification No. 43/2014-Income Tax S.O. 2399(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 295 read with Section 32 of the...
Goods and Services Tax : In view of this situation, it is necessary that the procedure for the issuing of such certificates should be standardized. Such ce...
ITAT Ahmedabad allows a bank’s loss on the sale of government securities and depreciation, citing regulatory compliance and business activity.
ITAT noted that company’s primary objective was providing IT services, not letting out properties. Therefore, it upheld Assessing Officer’s decision to treat rental income as income from house property and disallow depreciation claimed by company.
Karnataka High Court acquits accused under Excise Act. Detailed analysis reveals police cannot file FIR solely on seizure panchanama. Full text of judgment included.
Rugby Regency P. Ltd appeals against denial of depreciation on windmills and addition of income under Section 56(2)(viib) of Income Tax Act. Detailed analysis of the case from ITAT Delhi.
Bombay High Court held that MVAT Authorities would not have priority in the recourse to the assets that are secured in favour of the secured creditor and registered in priority with the Central Registry of Securitisation Asset Reconstruction and Security Interest of India (CERSAI).
Ahmedabad ITAT ruled that vehicles used for business purposes, even if owned by directors, are eligible for depreciation. Case analysis of Mukesh Trends Lifestyle Limited Vs DCIT.
ITAT Mumbai held that compensation received by the assessee in out of court settlement for unilaterally terminating certain obligation under the agreement is an income assessed to business income and not an income assessed to capital gains as claimed by the assessee.
Mumbai ITAT allows depreciation on ‘right to collect toll tax’ on infrastructure facilities for Roadstar Investment vs ACIT. Detailed analysis and implications provided.
ITAT Mumbai held that assessee selecting Associated Enterprise (AE) as “tested party” justifiable. Accordingly, transfer pricing study conducted by the assessee is duly acceptable.
Learn how to optimize corporate tax planning through depreciation. Explore key provisions, asset considerations, and methods for maximizing tax benefits.