Income Tax : Simplified penalty timelines under Section 275 effective April 2025, including changes in penalty powers, omissions, and clarifica...
Income Tax : Income Tax Act amendments propose penalties by Assessing Officers instead of Joint Commissioners. Omission of section 271BB and ch...
Income Tax : Post-Finance Bill 2025, penalties under specified sections of the Income-tax Act will be levied by the Assessing Officer, with Joi...
Income Tax : Discover penalties and prosecutions under the Income Tax Act, 1961, including default conditions, quantum of penalties, and potent...
Income Tax : Understand key provisions on disallowance of cash expenses, limits on cash transactions, and penalties under Sections 269T, 269SS,...
Income Tax : ITAT Jaipur quashes 271D penalty against Balbir Singh, ruling funds received were advances, not loans, after verifying property ow...
Income Tax : ITAT Chennai ruled that brokers facilitating land deals are not liable under Section 269SS as they act on behalf of clients and do...
Income Tax : In the recent ruling Hon'ble HC have observed that penalty proceedings, initiated u/s 271 D is barred by delay & laches as period ...
Income Tax : Rajasthan High Court quashes penalty proceedings under Section 271E of Income Tax Act citing lack of satisfaction recording in rea...
Income Tax : ITAT Bangalore held that penalty under section 271D of the Income Tax Act not imposable for acceptance of cash on transfer of agri...
Income Tax : It is a settled position that period of limitation of penalty proceedings under section 271D and 271E of the Act is governed by th...
Income Tax : It has been brought to notice of CBDT that there are conflicting interpretations of various High Courts on the issue whether the l...
Raman Chaudhary Vs ACIT (ITAT Delhi) It is evident, the assesse is an agriculturist. For purchasing some agricultural land jointly, the assessee had availed cash loan from other agriculturists. It is a fact on record that the genuineness of the loan availed by the assessee has been accepted by the departmental authorities. Of course, there […]
ITAT held that business constraint and exigency and administrative convenience itself constitutes reasonable cause within the meaning of section 273B of the Act . Hence no penalty u/s 271D and 271E of the Act could be invoked for the same.
Held that there was bonafide belief of the assessee that passing journal entries, even though in violation of mode prescribed u/s. 269SS and section 269T, is permissible. Entries done before judgement of Hon’ble Bombay HC in the case of Triumph International. Penalty deleted on the basis of reasonable cause.
Shri Mohanlal Savjibhai Tilva Vs ACIT (ITAT Ahmedabad) The case of the assessee was that the loan in cash was taken from his HUF on account of extreme business exigency and necessity of honouring post dated cheques issued to the third parties. Further at that time, the assessee was not having sufficient balance in the […]
ITAT held that so far as cash receipt of by assessee from his father’s proprietary firm is concerned, the provisions of section 269SS do not stand attracted.
Explore the case of Bookmywish E-Commerce facing a penalty under Section 271D for accepting cash loans. Detailed analysis of legal perspectives and implications.
Sunil M. Bhide Vs Addl. CIT (ITAT Pune) It is seen from the penalty order that the assessee pleaded before the AO that he started construction of a commercial building on his plot. The construction work was halted because of paucity of funds. The said plot of land along with part construction was leased out […]
ANALYSIS OF SEC 269SS No person shall accept, from any other person, loan, deposit or any specified sum otherwise than by A/c payee cheque, bank draft or use of ECS through a bank account or through such other electronic mode as may be prescribed, if:
Apart from penalty for various defaults, the Income-tax Act also contains provisions for launching prosecution proceedings against the taxpayers for various offences. In this part you can gain knowledge about the various provisions relating to prosecution which can be launched under the Income-tax Act.
Apart from levy of penalty for various defaults by the taxpayer, the Income-tax Law also contains provisions for launching prosecution for offences committed by the taxpayer. In this part you can gain knowledge about offences in respect of which prosecutions can be launched under the Income-tax Law.