Company Law : EXTENSION OF DUE DATE FOR HOLDING OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM 2021) Section 96 of the Companies Act, 2013 provides that every c...
Company Law : Article explains Due dates of different e forms under the companies act, 2013, Whether there is extension of due dates of filing f...
Fema / RBI : What is Due Diligence: Due diligence is a process of research and analysis that is initiated before an acquisition, investment, bu...
Corporate Law : Limited Liability Partnership are the best way other than companies where the investment made can be withdrawn by the Designated P...
Income Tax : What is Trust As per the Indian Trust Act 1882, a Trust is an arrangement where the author/ owner (trustor) transfers the property...
Start Up: The common man understands the word start up that when he starts any business. And the same is exactly true. But this word “START UP” is the word of every mouth since January 16, 2016. Because our Prime Minister Narendra Modi has unveiled a policy for the start ups and gave this word […]
A person who is registered as a Registered Valuer in pursuance of Section 247 of the Act with the Central Government and whose name appears in the register of Registered Valuers maintained by the Central Government or any authority, institution or agency, as may be notified by the Central Government only can act as a registered valuer.
Now a days, many stakeholders are facing problem in making payment for the challans w.r.t. E Forms filed with Ministry of Corporate Affairs specifically who are making payment through SBI Gateway. Problem being faced is: When we upload E Forms, system ask for payment via Credit Card/ Internet Banking/ Challan/ Pay Later. When stake holders […]
On 28.08.2015, I was watching DNA on Sheena Murder Case on Zee News. The reporter Sudhir Choudhary disclosed the companies in which the Indrani Mukerjea was acting as Director. They showed on National Television the Form 32 being filed by the Indrani for her resignation from the directorship of the company in 2009 from 9X […]
An auditor appointed under section 139 of Companies Act 2013, can resign after his or her appointment. When an auditor ceases to hold office after resignation as company auditor, the auditor is obliged under section 140 of companies act 2013 read with rule 8 of the companies (audit and auditors) rules, 2014 to notify registrar of companies or ROC within 30 days from the date of resignation by Fling a statement in the prescribed form ADT3.
After the enactment of the Companies Act, 2013, amongst a no. of core areas, CSR is the one which is much debated and discussed by the Ministry and Law Chambers. This is the area, where the Government has kept an eye since the Draft CSR rules be released. Government is emphasizing on CSR Initiatives by […]
Companies Act mandates every company to keep its books of accounts and other related books, papers along with financial statements at the Registered Office of the company. This provision has been given under section 128 of the companies act, 2013. But in many cases, the registered office of the company is being situated a place […]
Obtaining a BAR Code is not the compulsion on the Business Houses, but having a Bar Code of the products gives the additional advantages to the holder than those having no bar codes.
Every individual intending to be appointed as director of a company shall make an application for allotment of Director Identification Number to the Central Government in such form and manner and along with such fees as may be prescribed. (Section 153 of Companies Act, 2013)
CS Mohit Saluja With the enactment of Companies Act, 2013 w.e.f. April 1, 2014, a new concept called “ONE PERSON COMPANY (OPC)” also came into existence. The legislature were of the view that OPC shall have an edge over the other companies in relation to the benefits being earned w.r.t. holding of Board Meetings/ General […]