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ITAT Amritsar

No addition for mere Entry in Diary without any corroborative evidence

February 18, 2021 11430 Views 0 comment Print

Smt. Harmohinder Kaur Vs. DCIT (ITAT Amritsar) The Apex Court in the cases of Central Bureau of Investigation vs. V.C. Shukla (supra) and Common Cause (A registered Society and Ors Vs. Union of India & Ors.(supra) analyzed the position of law with regard to the loose sheets/diary in which some noting has been made by […]

No Section 12A registration denial if objects were charitable & activities were genuine

March 3, 2020 4659 Views 0 comment Print

Registration under section 12A was allowable to assessee-society as the objects of the society was charitable in nature and activities were genuine; even if the control of the trust property was not vested in the public but was retained by the settlors and moreover, registration with the Registrar of Societies was not a precondition for granting registration u/s 12A.

Section 153A- No Addition- If no incriminating material unearthed during search

February 11, 2020 1992 Views 0 comment Print

Where no assessment proceedings are pending on the date of search and seizure proceedings, the assessment under section 153A can be carried out only on the basis of seized material and where no incriminating material was unearthed during the course of search proceedings, addition could not be made in the hands of assessee.

Mistake of counsel may be taken into account in condoning delay: ITAT Amritsar

December 4, 2019 5625 Views 0 comment Print

M/s Bhagwati Colonizers Pvt. Ltd Vs ITO (ITAT Amritsar) In the affidavit, the main reason cited by the assessee for the delay is that the copy of appellate order was received by the counsel who appeared before the Ld CIT(A), but the counsel never informed the assessee about the disposal of the appeal by Ld […]

No exemption U/s. 10(23C)(vi) if Educational institution not exists solely for education

September 14, 2019 2388 Views 0 comment Print

Sutlej Educational Charitable Trust Vs CIT (E) (ITAT Amritsar) The only issue, thus, that survives is that the funds (or income) of the educational institution are (or, is) not to be utilized by the assessee-trust, owning and managing it, for any other (non-educational) object/purpose, which, as afore-noted, there are several (also refer para 2 of […]

Section 10(23C)(vi) Exemption cannot be denied to Assessee running school for educational purposes

September 8, 2019 7065 Views 0 comment Print

M/s Ram Lal Bhasin Public School Vs CIT (ITAT Amritsar) For claiming exemption u/s 10(23C)(iiiad) of the Act, the entity must be an University or other educational institute existing solely for educational purpose and not of the purposes of profit. In the present case it is not in dispute that the assessee is a school […]

Only Mistake apparent on the face of record can be rectified u/s 254

July 20, 2019 6741 Views 0 comment Print

Where on a fair reading of the judgment of the Co-ordinate Bench, it appeared that it had taken into account all relevant material and had not taken into account any irrelevant material in basing its conclusions, then the decision of the Co-ordinate Bench, was not liable to be interfered with, unless, of course, the conclusions arrived at by the Bench were perverse. Under Section 254 Only glaring and mistake apparent on the face of the record alone could be rectified which was not apparent in the of assessee.

No exemption u/s 11 to charitable trust in case it was not registered u/s 12AA

June 14, 2019 28338 Views 0 comment Print

Exemption under section 11 in respect on the surplus reflected by assessees  accounts was denied by AO because assessee was not registered under section 12AA, however, the matter was remanded back to AO to verify as to whether expenditure were actually incurred for the purposes of the running the institution or organizing its activities which was allowable as deduction from surplus and assessee was directed to establish its bona fides before claiming the exemption.

No TDS u/s 194C on Simpliciter payment towards Crane hiring charges

June 10, 2019 12648 Views 0 comment Print

Ms Bhangal Construction Co. Vs ITO (ITAT Jalandhar) Simpliciter payment towards hiring charges of cranes cannot be brought within the sweep of the definition of the term work as envisaged in Sec. 194C of the IT Act. We thus are of the considered view that the lower authorities had erred in concluding that as the […]

No Transfer on mere appointment of Power of Attorney for property

April 18, 2019 2163 Views 0 comment Print

Sh. Gurdev Singh Vs ITO (ITAT Amritsar) Smt. Harsharan Kaur was 73 years old lady at the relevant time. Therefore, she gave Power of Attorney to the assessee since she could not maintain the property. It was further submitted that within one year from the date of general Power of Attorney, the assessee gave the […]

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